Lindsay Gallard: The Employment Rights Bill is ushers in an era of closer HR and Legal department cooperation – is your team ready?

Announced last October, the government’s Employment Rights Bill introduces around 30 measures to increase job security and worker protection. As you’d expect from a piece of flagship legislation—especially from a new government—it has great scope, ambition, and transformational potential. One of the Bill’s main aims is to increase workers’ Day One rights. This is intended […]

Progress has slowed – 70% admit that they have underinvested in their staff

Professionisti HR e manager discutono del crescente problema dell'assenteismo dovuto a un aumento del 41% dei giorni di malattia, con grafici che mostrano i tassi di assenza.

Progress has slowed – 70% admit that they underinvest in their staff 70% of UK employers admit not investing in personal development. Professionals feel more pressure now than they did 12 months ago to upgrade their skills. 54% of professionals say they don’t receive any opportunities for personal development 45% of employers place the blame […]

Employees feel ‘excluded’ from decisions on AI implementation

A new study by behavioural consultancy Behave reports a disconnect between company leaders and employees regarding the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI), and subsequent concerns over AI integration in the workplace. The findings show that while 61 percent of senior leaders see AI as a competitive advantage, only 17 percent of organisations have fully integrated […]

More Than a Feeling: Quantifying Behavioural Change from Coaching

Professionisti HR e manager discutono del crescente problema dell'assenteismo dovuto a un aumento del 41% dei giorni di malattia, con grafici che mostrano i tassi di assenza.

Mat Piaggi, Senior Behavioural Scientist, CoachHub. Coaching has long been considered a vital tool for personal and professional development. Yet, for many years, its value has been hard to measure. While there’s no doubt that coaching has had a positive impact on leadership, well-being, and employee engagement, proving its real-world benefits was often left to […]

Kristie Higgs wins victory in Court of Appeal for freedom of speech

Kristie H. Higgs has won the case in the Court of Appeal against her Christian school employer who fired her after she shared Facebook posts deemed to be transphobic and homosexual. Higgs, 48 years old, has been involved in a six year legal battle with his former employers at Farmor’s School, Fairford, Gloucestershire. Higgs was […]

Higgs’ win has “profound” implications for employers

Employment lawyers and other experts react to today’s landmark ruling in Higgs V Farmor’s School and discuss the implications of the decision for HR and employers. Robert Lewis, partner, Mishcon de Reya This is an important decision that has profound implications on how employers and educational institutions should handle situations in which employees express personal […]

The amendment to the new four-day work week is tabled by MPs

In the Employment Rights Bill, more than a dozen members of parliament are calling for ministers to take into consideration a four-day work week. Peter Dowd (Labour MP for Bootle) proposed an amendment to the Bill that would require the government to create a new Working Time Council and provide recommendations as to how the […]

Limitation of AI usage by employees in a law firm

The law firm Hill Dickinson is restricting employee access to artificial-intelligence tools after a “significant” increase in usage. A senior director of the global law firm that specializes in commercial law, and employs over a thousand employees worldwide, sent an email to its staff warning them about using AI. The firm said that a large […]

Zurich UK publishes social mobility pay data

Zurich UK published data on social mobility pay, making it the first insurer and one of only a few companies in the UK that has done so. The median pay gap for employees from lower socio-economic backgrounds and those with professional backgrounds at Zurich UK is -4.2%. Comparatively, the average mean pay gap between employees […]

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