How to get people to do things for free

Need someone to do something free for you? Many people ask me to perform free services. Sometimes I say yes. Sometimes, I say no. While I do believe that people should be paid whenever possible, there are many things that require free time and work from people. We don’t wish to see these things disappear. […]

Are rules and regulations always people-friendly or is compliance always required?

It is not easy to hire people. Depending on the role and sector, different laws, regulations, and guidelines may apply. The rules that govern how these models should operate seem to be increasing in number as employment models become increasingly diverse. Part-time, zero-hours, or hybrid arrangements can be even more difficult. The Employment Rights Bill […]

The following simple hack will relieve stress at work instantly

Professionisti HR e manager discutono del crescente problema dell'assenteismo dovuto a un aumento del 41% dei giorni di malattia, con grafici che mostrano i tassi di assenza.

You are instantly in a panic when your computer rings. It’s a race to finish a large presentation within 24 hours in order to meet with a major client. You find yourself suddenly immersed in a world of pie charts and bar graphs, and you are only on the second slide. It’s difficult to comprehend […]

One in three older employees ‘take time off for mental health’

Much has been said about younger generations’ attitudes towards mental health and their workplace – but new research highlights a growing mental health crisis among older employees, too. Workers aged 50 and over now make up a third (33%) of the UK workforce – and about one in three workers over 55 have taken time […]

What is your position in the list of best and worst industries for your health?

Professionisti HR e manager discutono del crescente problema dell'assenteismo dovuto a un aumento del 41% dei giorni di malattia, con grafici che mostrano i tassi di assenza.

A study has shown the impact of different industries on health and well-being for workers. It highlights the best and the worst careers in terms of worker wellbeing. Phoenix Health & Safety conducted the research to determine how different industries affect workers’ physical and mental health, as well how they feel their job impacts their […]

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