A charity warns that people with lung problems may have to visit A&E up to five times before their condition is under control.
Asthma + Lung UK, a charity, has warned that the surge in “rebound” respiratory emergencies chokes the NHS. It also means people may be unable to go back to work, when they would have been able to if they received proper treatment.
According to the analysis of the charity, the number of people who need emergency hospital treatment for breathing problems at least five days a year increased by almost a quarter in the past 12 months (22,9%), with “shockingly large” increases occurring in some parts of the country.
The charity said that people were being ping-ponged into and out of hospitals because they received “paltry” care. They are also focusing on short-term fixes rather than prevention.
The data shows that nearly half of those needing emergency asthma treatment (45%) and 58% who have chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD), are repeat attendees.
Only half of those surveyed who have lung problems receive the appropriate follow-up. 55% of the respondents said they wouldn’t have been hospitalized if they could get a GP visit.
The charity said that separate data revealed only a third (of people with COPD and asthma) receive the recommended level of care.
The picture is not good across the board, but the data from five or more emergency hospital visits reveals huge regional differences, with some regions seeing a near tripling of the numbers.
North Cumbria and the north east of England had the highest level of bounce-back. Asthma + Lung UK reported that other blackspots include West Yorkshire, Cheshire, Merseyside and Greater Manchester.
Sarah Sleet said, “It’s unacceptable that people who have lung problems are being shuffled between primary care and hospital in this way.” Nobody should be forced to wait in A&E for hours, struggling for air, because they have not received the basic care that they need.
People with lung diseases should not be forced to fight for a diagnosis or effective treatment. We must take a long-term and cohesive approach to prevent illness. This is why we call for the government ringfence PS40m for vital lung tests.
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