Improv Your HR and other Things

I am always talking about improv. I perform and teach improv whenever I can. If you are in Basel and would like to see the showcase of my beginners class tomorrow, please message me. The students are going to do SO well.
But today! Today, I’m doing a little FREE presentation/workshop/keynote/whatever you call it with John Bernatovicz and HR Like a Boss.
Please join me at 12:00 Eastern and 9:00 Pacific (9:00 pm Central European time) today.
I will show you how to improve your HR to improve both your HR and life! I will refund you 100 percent if you do not love it.
You can register here:

Don’t Stop Here

More To Explore

Professionisti HR e manager discutono del crescente problema dell'assenteismo dovuto a un aumento del 41% dei giorni di malattia, con grafici che mostrano i tassi di assenza.

Building a Safer Workplace To Reduce Risk

With significant UK workplace safety regulation changes on the horizon, HR leaders must make 2025 the year they take decisive action to strengthen compliance and

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