Up to 74,000 women are forced to leave work because of pregnancy and maternity

Since 2016, the number of women losing their jobs because they became pregnant or took maternity leave has increased by 37%.

According to research by the campaign group Pregnant Then Screwed, and Women in Data, up to 74,000 pregnant women, those on maternity leave, or within one year after their return, are fired, constructively dismissed, or made redundant every year.

The projections are based upon a sample of 5,780 parents that is nationally representative. It shows that 12,3% of women could be forced out of the workplace.

Nearly half (49,5%) of pregnant women and those on maternity leaves or returning from maternity leaves reported a negative work experience. One out of five respondents quit their jobs as a result.

Pregnant Then Screwed found that 35.9% felt demoted or sidelined while pregnant, during maternity leave, or shortly after returning.

Only 2% of respondents have filed a claim with a tribunal in response to the new legislation that came into effect last year and extended protections for maternity redundancy.

Joeli Brearley, founder of Pregnant Then Screwed, said: “We’ve suspected for a long time that things are not getting better but worse. Our free advice line has been ringing non-stop, and we are simply unable to cope.

It is shocking to learn that 74,000 women a year lose their jobs for having children. Every seven minutes, a woman in the UK is fired for doing what should be a part of human life.

Brearley stated that the government had failed to honour its 2016 commitment to measure pregnancy and maternity-related discrimination at least every five years.

She added, “What kind of message is this sending to women? That the government cares so little for this issue that it can’t be bothered collecting the data?”

Women In Data project leader Taisiya Merculova said: “Collectively we need to close gender gaps and remove challenges women face in order to achieve equal opportunities in the workplace. We also need to reduce the burden on mothers of additional unpaid work as caregivers and at home.”

Today (27 February), the campaign group will stream live a giant shredder, which will shred mothers’ CVs in real time to highlight “motherhood penalties” on women’s careers.

The posters will be emblazoned in the style The Apprentice TV show with the words “Mum, You’re Fired”.

Hina Belitz said that the figures are “shocking, but not surprising”.

Women are often paid off when they leave a case under mutually agreed-upon terms in a settlement agreement. She said that when women weigh the risk and pressure of litigation versus a payout and an early resolution, many will choose the deal.

Campaign groups have called on companies to offer more flexible work hours, paternity leave, a family-friendly workplace, and other rights.

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