A new study shows that nearly two-thirds of British professionals struggle with presentation nerves at work.

Kahoot! the global learning platform and engagement company, conducted a survey among UK white collar professionals to determine their attitudes toward workplace presentations. Kahoot!, the global learning and engagement platform company, conducted a survey of UK white collar professionals to understand their attitudes towards workplace presentations (both from those delivering them and their audiences’ perspectives). The survey was released to coincide with the launch of Kahoot!

Kahoot, used by British companies for making training, meetings, and presentations more engaging. in December 2024 commissioned OnePoll to gather insights about 2,000 UK professionals who were required to give corporate presentations, either remotely or in person.

Results of Kahoot’s survey on British attitudes to presentations Survey on British attitudes towards presentations

  • Presentation nerves + a staff retention risk:

37% UK office workers don’t enjoy giving presentations. 62% UK employees are nervous before a presentation.

– 30% of employees would quit their jobs if they were required to be present more frequently

  • The engagement Gap:

When employees were asked what made a presentation successful, they cited the presenter’s engaging and interactive style as the most important factor.

However keeping the audience involved throughout the presentation, is also the top presenter’s pain point (43%). And only 12% of respondents answered “Always”, when asked how many presentations they attend in the workplace effectively engage them with interactive elements, such as polls, questions, or brainstorming.

  • The blind spot in the presentation and audience feedback:

46% of UK employees say that they do not receive enough feedback about their presentations.

  • Presentations can be long and tiresome for audiences.

More than a third of UK office staff (34%) do not like attending presentations at work

UK professionals prefer presentations that are under 30 minutes in length : Nearly 1/10 (8%) of UK professionals think presentations should be limited to 10 minutes, while 27% favor 10-20 minutes. 36% want presentations between 21 and 30 minutes.

  • The leading causes of UK presentations failings:

Tech failure is the most common cause for presentation problems in UK offices, with 24 % of office workers having either experienced it or seen it.

The second (16%) challenge was an audience that refused to engage with the presenter. The nerves of the presenter can make the presentation less effective (12%), and jokes that fall flat (11%) are other presentation challenges.

  • Netflix fills the gap in training:

– According to 31% of UK workers, they do not receive enough training on presentations. 32% of respondents believe they are not proficient in presenting presentations

In the UK, 36% of office workers say they have been influenced in their presentations by movies or television depictions. This rises to 69% for younger employees (18-24).

1/10 UK office workers put off preparation for presentations until the last moment, and spend less than one hour on it. A similar number of office workers (11%) spent more than five hours in preparation.

Sean D’Arcy is the Chief Solutions Officer at Kahoot. According to the research, “Presentations with colleagues or clients is an essential part of work life. Yet, many Britons feel unprepared to handle them. It’s normal to feel nervous before a presentation, but employers can help build confidence by providing training and tools that will make the talks more inclusive and engaging. This will transform presentations into an opportunity for idea sharing and meaningful discussion.

Employers should help their employees turn presentations into feedback loops that are real, by providing a way for colleagues and attendees to provide constructive feedback. It allows the presenter to tailor their message to the audience’s needs and also boosts confidence because engagement is more visible .”

This survey on workplace attitudes toward presentations coincides the release of Kahoot! Energize is a feature of Kahoot! 360 is Kahoot!’s suite for businesses designed to improve employee engagement and learn. Kahoot! Energize transforms static presentations into interactive, dynamic experiences that engage audiences, increase engagement and help drive business success. Kahoot! offers features such as real-time polls and quizzes, seamless integration between Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint and easy syncing to platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Energize works well in live, hybrid and remote settings.

This is the result of a Kahoot! survey conducted in January 2025. This data is the follow-up to a January 2025 Kahoot!

The article According to a new study, nearly two-thirds of British professionals struggle with presentation nerves at work appeared first on HR News.

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