Most UK judges say they’ll quit in five years

Two-thirds or more of full-time court judges have said they plan to quit in the next five years due to their heavy workloads, lack administrative support and concern for their personal safety.

According to the annual Judicial Attitudes survey,compiled at the UCL Judicial Institute, Professor Cheryl Thomas KC 60% of circuit court judges – those in the crown courts and civil benches – reported that their workload had increased compared to the previous year.

Around 75% of judges full-time said that they were “extremely worried” about the staff reductions in their courts. About 50% of full-time judges were also concerned about the deteriorating condition of their court buildings.

According to the survey 66% of respondents were concerned about “financial restrictions in the justice system” and the “loss of respect by the government for the judiciary”.

The decline in salary was another major factor. Over a ten-year period, the majority of salaried judges experienced net earnings losses at every two-year interval.

Salaried judges in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland have limited options for employment. This is because they are hired on the condition that they will not return to the practice of law if they leave the judiciary. In all three UK jurisdictions, salaried judges are not allowed to supplement their income by doing other paid work.

The lack of investment is the main cause of many of the problems that face the judiciary. According to figures released by the Institute for Fiscal Studies this month, the Ministry of Justice budget (which pays for courts in England and Wales) has not recovered to its pre-2010 level since it was cut as a result of austerity measures implemented in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crises.

The lowest morale was observed among district judges at county courts where the majority of civil cases are heard. More than 72% of respondents rated the morale among court staff as unacceptable or poor, and 45% of respondents said that the morale among judicial colleagues is also unacceptable or poor.

Researchers said that bullying, harassment, and discrimination at the bench are a growing issue. They acknowledged that only a small minority of judges reported these phenomena but “there has definitely been an increase” since 2022.

According to the report, time, inherent aspects to judicial work and technological advances are key factors that contribute to judicial strain for salaried judge. Most frequently, judges cited lack of time for personal activities due to their judicial workload (58%), and difficulty achieving a work-life balance (53%).

Circuit court judges earn over PS167,000.

The salaries of senior High Court judges is around PS225,000 and appeal court judges is about PS256,000.

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