Our panelists began the year with a discussion on the potential and challenges of HR technology.
Claire Webber Powell, People Director, Outdoor and Cycle Concepts Ltd., Annabel Roberts Head of HR at Centric HR and Kameshwari Raio Chief People Officer of Publicis Sapient, all provided a wealth of insight into the importance of technology in HR and how to use it effectively. It is worth watching the webinar, but in the meantime here are two additional questions that were raised during this session.
When is it time to invest in an entirely new central IT system? Does it pose a risk that simply updating and adding on to an existing system will not provide the best value for money?
Claire Webber Powell: I have two signals. First, when employees start to complain that the system is not allowing them to perform their jobs effectively or find accurate information quickly. Secondly, when HR users begin to ‘find’ workarounds rather than working with suppliers to improve the current system.
It could also be that you identify more activities being done off-system than on-system. At this point, the end-toend processes will need to be reviewed. A scope will be created to help you better understand the gap in what you require versus what you currently have.
You can automate the first part of your HR work, either because it’s easier to do or you get a better ROI.
Claire Webber Powell: I always seek solutions that allow employees to self-serve, so they can meet their own needs and at a time that suits them. This could include holiday bookings, returning to work, contract/change request etc. All of these are highly transactional, and HR professionals can add very little value to them. However, they are necessary for maintaining accurate records, payrolls and data.
Annabel Rober: I agree with Claire but would also add that you should look at areas where there are high volumes of transactional activity – for example, recruitment and selection processes. The shortlisting of candidates, the scheduling of interviews, and other processes are labor intensive. Any support to automate these processes will save time and energy and ensure that nothing is missed. Claire’s webinar provided a great example of how she handles onboarding.