Mastering the Middle: Group Coaching and Unlocking the Potential of Mid-Level Leaders

Middle managers are vital to the success of any organisation, as they act as a link between employees and the purpose and strategy of their organization. How can organisations develop and support middle managers in the face of low employee engagement globally? This group of middle managers has unique development needs that are best met by group coaching.

The Challenge of Being in the Middle

Middle managers are the backbone of any organisation, and they represent around 10-15% global employees. Middle managers are the bridge between organisational purpose, strategy, and frontline execution. They are facing increasing challenges and report higher levels of frustration, stress, and loneliness.

The term “squeezed mid-level” is used to describe feelings that are associated with this level. Middle managers must influence peers and stakeholders, without having direct authority. They also need to balance the sometimes conflicting needs of frontline employees with those of senior leaders. It is complicated by the daily switch between strategic and operational issues.

Talogy’s 2023 Leadership Research revealed that middle managers face a unique challenge in empowering teams while staying focused on the details. They also need to be able to communicate to multiple audiences. The employees who report to midlevel leaders said that lack of or poor communication is a problem they face at this level. This negatively impacts their performance.

This requires strong interpersonal skills, proactive management, and the ability keep a cool mind and manage stress.

What is group coaching?

The group coaching environment is structured and flexible. Participants take part in guided discussion, share their experiences, and learn new skills in a collaborative atmosphere. Leaders are coached in small groups by a trained coach.

The coach will set up the session as a safe space for learning. Check-ins are held at the beginning of each session to share how you have applied learning from previous sessions. This helps maintain momentum and builds accountability.

Why group coaching is important for middle managers

Leading from the middle is a multi-dimensional approach that presents leaders with constant dilemmas. This requires real leadership skills. Leaders can explore dilemmas in a safe environment with their peers. They can learn from one another and determine actions. The group coaching process explores real-life challenges, and helps leaders refine their style and approach. Group coaching, which is a peer-learning process, fosters a community spirit and improves problem-solving abilities. It also builds a strong support network within the organization and reduces feelings of burnout and isolation. While developing new strategies for their business, leaders can also learn coaching skills and improve their listening and feedback abilities.

Leaders are more willing to give and receive feedback when they are part of a group coaching. This allows them to gain valuable self-awareness and insight.

Group coaching offers a cost-effective and scalable way to deliver leadership coaching with a high return. Leaders are more likely than others to use what they have learned when they set goals and make commitments before their peers. Group coaching promotes growth because participants can better apply their newly acquired skills when they engage in regular discussions and receive feedback from coaches and peers.

Group coaching: insights from managers and organizations

Managers have expressed their appreciation for being able discuss issues openly and without fear of judgment, as well as receiving supportive feedback from colleagues in similar roles. They realise that they are not the only ones facing leadership challenges and create a network of support to help them. This helps both themselves and their organisation, by encouraging more collaboration between different teams and breaking up silos.

Middle managers benefit from the perspective and broadening of their thinking that group coaching brings. This opens the door to both conflict resolution and collaboration skills, as well as strategic thinking. Managers can work more efficiently and effectively across organisations by gaining an understanding of other teams, and building stronger relationships with those outside their team. Group coaching facilitates collaboration, breaks down silos, and helps with organisational-wide projects.

Group coaching can also help to increase engagement. Accenture’s group coaching participants are more than 10% less likely to leave the company than non-participants, according to the Hudson Institute.


Group coaching enables middle managers to build confidence, resilience, and adaptability–qualities essential for navigating the complexities of modern business environments. can empower middle managers by embracing this approach. This will help them to collaborate and thrive, and ultimately foster a high-performing and resilient workforce.

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