Ashley Round of M&E Global

Ashley Round, an HR specialist at defense workforce provider M&E Global, lives with his wife in Stourbridge near Dudley and their two children in the West Midlands. Ashley Round, who had previously held senior positions, decided to concentrate on HR after finding it “resonated” with him. He eventually landed a job with M&E, where he recruits British and European candidates to serve in overseas military operations.

I get up between 6am and 7:30am depending on my children’s generosity in allowing me to sleep in. First, I make sure everyone is happy and has no need for anything. After that, I have a shower in the morning to start my day. Breakfast is my usual Weetabix with a banana. Before I leave for the day, I make sure that everyone else has their breakfast or milk.

The clothing selection process is much easier now that I have a uniform with my company’s logo. I spend five minutes per day on my phone, reading the news, and catching up on the overnight events from around the globe. This helps me ease into the workday.

I commute 25-30 minutes to work, which allows me to squeeze in some family time and sometimes have a lie-in. On my way to work, I either listen to one of my playlists – usually modern rap or heavy metal – or a podcast – usually about gaming or films. To start my day right, I enjoy the drive to work, even if it is a bit stressful.

As soon as I arrive at work, I greet my team and immediately check my email to see if anything urgent needs my attention. Due to the time difference that exists between our UK office, and our various work sites from Poland to the US they have had plenty of time on any given day to find something urgent. When it’s quiet, I will grab a hot beverage to give me that little boost only tea can provide.

Ashley Round.

Ashley Round thinks that HR is complex, and it’s okay to not know everything.

I divide my morning tasks in two categories: recurring and as-and when tasks. The recurring tasks such as the daily absence reports and regular meetings, or collating and creating reports can be planned ahead. I also evaluate all information and requests received the day before, decide if they require action, and then try to fit them in a timeline.

I am in constant contact with the admin and HR teams of each contract we are working on. Inbound requests are varied, ranging from A1 certificates to new processes for candidates from countries we haven’t recruited before.

You’ll also have to perform the essential tasks such as preparing new contracts that are in compliance with applicable laws and client requirements.

I think that discussions about the four-day week and renewed focus on mental illness and work-life-balance will continue to play a significant role in HR.

We work on a variety of projects as a company, and I may not be able to handle certain tasks until they arrive at my desk. The day-to-day operations of our UK office are also important, as they keep us ready to deal with the fluctuating nature of the industry.

Even when it’s right in front of me, I often forget to eat my lunch. Every week I go to the local shop to buy a meal deal, and then bring it to my office to eat on my desk or at the breakfast bar. I mentally detoxify from work by checking the nursery diary of my son, if he was there that day. Or by browsing my phone for a few minutes.

I often work through lunch breaks when I am deeply involved in a project or committed to implementing or improving something. I only realize this afterward, and it is not a good habit.

AI has advanced rapidly in HR. But AI aside, discussions about four-day weeks, mental health, and work-life-balance will continue to play a significant role for many markets.

These changes could have a significant impact on HR KPIs such as employee satisfaction, productivity, and absenteeism. If these changes are adopted widely, it will be interesting to see the data collected on their larger-scale impacts.

There’s no problem with being honest when you don’t know the answer to everything in HR. It is better to be patient and evaluate the situation, then ask for assistance if necessary. Your knowledge will grow as you progress. HR is a very diverse field and only experience can prepare you for the future.

I spend time at 3-4pm wrapping up tasks that are possible to complete that day. I also make note of any items that need to be carried forward and evaluate the information and tools we use.

I review all targets that were set at the beginning of the year and look for ways to achieve them in a sustainable and maintainable manner. I am always trying to improve infrastructure, even if that means re-evaluating the solutions we agreed on in the past.

A good example is the visa process for our British employees. The data was previously stored in a simple spreadsheet that had little use or formatting, other than to keep information logged. In order to overcome the difficulties, I decided to improve the document’s usability with the help of those who use it the most.

The changes have helped me to create reports that are easy for directors to understand.

It doesn’t matter if it is conscious or unconscious, just the association with Human Resources can make people nervous.

It’s a good idea to make tea in the kitchen regularly to take a break from your screen. There are usually others who share the same interest with whom you can strike up a chat. You can easily get caught up in your work. It is important to take time to talk to the team and recharge your social battery. It also creates the sense of unity and understanding that you will find at M&E Global.

It can be frustrating when HR is branded as the “bad guy”. It doesn’t matter if it is conscious or unconscious, just the association with Human Resources can make people nervous.

It’s always tea time when I arrive home. We all eat together as a family, and I love that. While we can’t always agree on our favorite recipe, the hidden vegetable soup is always a big hit.

We see how much time is left to play and learn before we start the bedtime routines. It’s great to get in some family time with my eldest, who loves reading and stories. We watch a movie and play with our little one after he falls asleep. He’s usually awake for a few hours more before he goes to bed, since he is a night-owl like me.

I enjoy spending time with my family. I play with my sons before they go to sleep or watch something relaxing with my partner. When she’s not around, I like to turn to YouTube and videogames. As a father, I have less time to play video games and YouTube.

I feel like I am wasting time when I sleep at night while the clock says PM. Around midnight I stay up and give my baby one last bottle, then go to bed. As I usually get everything done before nightfall, I don’t prepare much for sleep. So I can sleep whenever I feel like it.

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