What are your policies on weed in the workplace?

Why does a child from the “just saying no” generation sponsor a webinar about the devil’s salad?

How times have changed!

My school years were dominated by Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No!” Campaign. We meant it.

We invited the DARE officer to come. I was vice president of “Red Ribbon”, a club that was all about saying No to Drugs, in high school. I didn’t care about drug abuse. I just wanted to look good for college applications. (It did! (It did! I did not want anyone to do drugs, but I didn’t even know anyone who was. (Yes, I was raised in a small religious town and I am sure that there were drug addicts, but I didn’t either know them, or I didn’t even know they used drugs.

In 2025, after I learned that Wendy Sellers is an expert in “alternative relaxation policies” in the workplace, i reached out to Wendy and told her, “Hey! Come to HRLearns.” We need your expertise.”

The message “just say no” is just as important to me and my children. Excedrine is the strongest drug that I take. When I was pregnant with my oldest child, the doctor prescribed me a narcotic. I thought I was part of the Brady Bunch. I don’t like mind-altering drugs.

As an adult, however, I am aware that laws and social norms have changed. I don’t support drug testing in most jobs. It’s not easy to keep up with the new laws in your state and ensure that your employees aren’t using leafy vegetables on the job.

I don’t think I am the only one who needs some help in understanding herb policies at work.

Join Wendy Sellers, HRLearns, and HRLearns Monday for all the information you need. Use this code to get a little extra.

DevilLettuce Coupon code

Click here to register for Marijuana’s move to Schedule III: what HR needs to know and do

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In fact, a href=”https://www.cipd.org/en/about/press-releases/one-in-5-neurodivergent employees experienced harassment or discrimination at work/#::text=However%2C%20despite%20this%20potential%20figure,be%20understanding%20or%20offer%20support.”> In fact, research from the CIPD in 2024 revealed only half of neurodivergent employees

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