Tinnitus at Work: Breaking the Silence

Tinnitus Week is here, and now’s the time to start a conversation. Tinnitus shouldn’t be a problem that anyone has to deal with alone, particularly at work. Simple changes can have a big impact on productivity, focus and well-being. Tinnitus is a problem that affects millions, but it’s largely hidden in the workplace. Many workers […]
Managers: Eight-step guide to having mental health conversations
Today is Day of Talk 2025 a national initiative to encourage mental health discussions. Today, managers are expected to provide their teams with guidance on work-related matters as well as help foster a mentally healthy culture in the workplace. Many managers are not prepared for these conversations and express concerns like: “What happens if I […]
What is HR’s role when it comes to ethical AI adoption

AI can boost productivity and economic growth. If used responsibly, it can also make work more meaningful. We’re not always conscious of AI in the technologies we use. Hayfa Mohdzaini explores the role of HR professionals in understanding AI’s presence and potential, as well as the ethical use of AI at work. A CIPD/HiBob survey […]