Reframing gender equality: A shared responsibility between men and women

It is important to achieve gender equality in the workplace. This is essential for creating inclusive environments that allow all employees to thrive. Dr Debbie Bayntun Lees explains the importance of men and women sharing responsibility.

Even though gender equity is becoming more important, there are still significant barriers, especially in terms of male engagement. Hult International Business School’s recent research shows that men often view gender equality as “a women’s issue”, which can lead to disengagement.

In order to overcome these challenges, we must reframe gender equality as a shared obligation, where men play a crucial role alongside their female counterparts.

Understanding the barriers to male involvement

A key challenge is that men are either left out of the conversation, or seen as part the problem. In a survey, 32% of respondents said that gender equity was framed in this way. This framing may alienate men and reduce their motivation to support or participate in initiatives. King’s College London found that young men were less positive than young women when it came to the impact of feminist movements. This suggests a disconnect which can hinder progress.

Fear and discomfort are often the root causes of men’s unwillingness to discuss gender equity. Fear of saying the wrong thing or being misunderstood can be a barrier. Some men also perceive gender equity initiatives to be a threat, as they believe that quotas and forced policies could negatively impact their status. One respondent said: “Workplaces fear the discrimination card,” which highlights apprehension over potential misuse of equity measures.

Emotional responses

Two global companies conducted studies that revealed personal experiences, especially relationships with female co-workers or daughters, could profoundly affect men’s views on gender equality.

Many fathers expressed an increased empathy for their daughters and a desire to promote fairness. As a father, I dislike this strongly.

When asked about gender discrimination, respondents expressed a range of emotions including:

  • Sadness: Many people describe feeling frustrated and angry at the inequity that persists.
  • Empathy: Many males expressed concern and empathy for the women who suffer discrimination.
  • The desire for change. Respondents often emphasized their role in creating inclusive environments.

A portion of respondents, however, showed disengagement or neutrality. This was often due to lack of exposure to gender issues. In one study, for example, 42% did not respond to questions regarding gender equity. This suggests that a broader awareness campaign is needed.

A lack of knowledge about gender equity policies and practices was a common theme in all the studies. Many men are unaware of the difficulties women face at work or of any organisational initiatives that address these issues. While 37% of respondents were aware of women who faced discrimination, 33% knew about international agreements on equality. This discrepancy highlights the need for better communication and education.

Reframing Gender Equity as a Shared Responsibility

It is important to redefine gender equity in a way that everyone benefits. Organisations can build a more inclusive narrative by focusing on collective responsibility and mutual benefits.

Organizations should use language that highlights the benefits of gender equality for all. The messaging should emphasize that gender equality is not about disadvantaged men, but creating fair and equal opportunities for everyone. Men’s caregiving can be normalised by demonstrating how flexible work schedules benefit both women and men. This will also challenge gender norms.

It is important to engage male leaders in the role of role models. This will inspire more people to participate. HeForShe has shown how male allies are able to champion gender equality. Organisations can inspire others by sharing the stories of men who have advocated for inclusion.

It is important to provide targeted training in order to address biases and foster understanding. Programs for development should include:

  • Unconscious bias, privilege and prejudice
  • Effective communication strategies for discussing sensitive topics
  • Leading inclusive conversations
  • Men can support gender equality in the workplace by taking practical steps.

These initiatives can help build confidence in male employees, and reduce any fear or discomfort they may have about participating in equity efforts.

Personalizing the issue

Engaging audiences by connecting gender equity with personal experiences is possible. Making the issue relatable by highlighting stories about how equity initiatives have improved men’s lives – like fathers receiving paternity leave — can help make it more relevant. This can help to counteract the perception that gender equity is a zero-sum issue.

To achieve gender equality, it is necessary to encourage collaboration between men and woman. Organisations should prioritise initiatives which emphasize shared responsibility and mutual benefit. Employees of all demographics can be convinced by framing equity as a critical factor for innovation, team cohesion, and productivity.

A constant dialogue is also essential. Facilitated conversations, safe spaces for constructive feedback and regular engagement surveys are all ways to address concerns and promote a culture that is open. Understanding the complex male perspective on gender equality – from disengagement and fear to empathy and advocacy can help inform strategies for driving meaningful change.

It is crucial to reframe gender equity as an issue that all men can relate to in order for barriers towards male engagements be removed. Organisations can create an environment where employees feel empowered and valued by highlighting the role of men as partners and allies. We can change the perception that gender equity is a women’s issue by using inclusive messages, role models and targeted education. This will help us to create workplaces where collaboration, respect and equity thrive. We unlock the potential of diverse, inclusive teams and benefit both individuals and organizations.


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