Study: 88% of high-performing women are criticised for their personalities in performance reviews

“As woman, you need to be less aggressive.” That’s an actual sentence from a review that I wrote about in 2022. We’re still having the same issues two years after we first reported on them.

It’s not just anecdotes from other reviews that I use to support this. A study by Textio found that 88 per cent of women who are high performers received feedback about their personalities during performance reviews, compared to only 12 percent for high-performing males.

When men receive feedback based on their personality, it is different from the feedback that women receive. The study states:

  • Women and men are described as “collaborative” to a greater extent than ever before.
  • Women and men are equally “helpful”: 36% of women, 21% of males.
  • According to the survey, 26% of women and 14% of men are “nice.”
  • Women and men are both “opinionated” to a different degree.

Click here to continue reading: Study shows that 88 percent of high-performing women receive criticism on their personalities in performance reviews

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