Unlocking creative talent: A recruiter’s guide to hiring in the game industry
It is a fierce competition to find top creative specialists. There is a glut of talent, but it’s hard to find. But don’t worry! This guide provides recruiters with actionable strategies for attracting and retaining exceptional creative talent. Think beyond the Traditional The best candidates can sometimes be found in unexpected places. Prioritize passion, potential […]
You’re missing out on HR data goldmine
HR used to be all about people. People and data are now the focus. While this might seem surprising, it is the reality of anyone who wants to move up the HR ladder. No longer can we rely solely on gut instincts and intuition. As you move up the HR ladder, you will be faced […]
Empowering your team through personalised tech solutions will serve up success
By Chanel chambers, Vice president of product marketing, Lakeside Software Have you ever watched a tennis game? Each player adapts his or her game to the opponent’s strengths and weakness. I learned as an amateur tennis player that there is no such thing as a “one-size-fits all” approach. It’s the same when it comes to […]
What employers should know about neurodivergent talent
When it emerged that Gregg Wallace was expected to blame his autism for his alleged inappropriate behaviour, it struck a chord with me. It perpetuates the idea that neurodivergence is a problem or an excuse for bad behaviour. Similarly, when I read that Gregg ‘suffers from autism’, I felt deeply offended, as did many from […]
HR industry at risk of ‘brain drain’ in 2025 amid resignations
According to a new study by HR technology platform Personio, over a third of HR professionals (34%) are considering leaving the field within the next 12 months. The findings provide a glimpse into the growing strain on HR departments who are saddled with administrative duties, increasing responsibilities, and rising employee expectations. More than half of […]
Global workforce confidence in career skills remains low
Just 17 percent of employees believe that their employers invest in skills necessary for career advancement. This gap highlights untapped potential in the global workforce. Many workers express dissatisfaction with the lack of upskilling options. Mary Hayes is the Research Director for People & Performance, ADP Research. She said that “education alone will not fill […]
Finance leaders are 88% certain that preventing employees from spending money on company expenses stifles growth.
According to new data, the majority of UK senior financial leaders reported that they missed out on growth opportunities because their employees did not have direct access to budgets. Soldo Many senior finance leaders are reluctant to give employees direct access to company funds despite 78% saying that they would trust them with the money. […]
Podcast S2 Ep.3 – Shaping the future of contingent and hourly work: exclusive findings for HR leaders
As employers continue to secure the advantages of an agile workforce, and the government seeks to curb some of the unwanted uncertainty around flexible employment contracts, attracting and retaining an hourly and contingent workforce is becoming more challenging than ever. In a webinar from The HR World, HR practitioners with hands on experience on these […]
A measure that becomes a goal ceases to be good.
Goodhart’s law. The world of politics is probably the clearest example for us all. In the end, to be successful, politicians must be popular. It is important to choose policies that will benefit the most people and gain their support. As an alternative, you could support popular policies. These policies may not benefit many people […]
Mental health issues can be exacerbated during winter months
RedArc, the nurse-led support organisation, warns that those who already have a history of depression and anxiety are particularly vulnerable during the winter months, and their mental health can deteriorate if support is not made available. It stresses that support must be fit for purpose for those who struggle. The darker, post-Christmas period can be […]