Blue Monday is a great opportunity to examine workplace mental health support

Today, 20 January, is a day known as ‘Blue Monday.’ Employers should not use this calendar date as a one-off day to provide additional support to their employees on mental health. Instead, they should use it as a springboard to continue taking action throughout the rest of the entire year.

Blue Monday, a day that is said to be the saddest of the year, is determined by the weather, debt level, time since the holidays and failed resolutions. These and other issues are not limited to Blue Monday. They can occur at any time, and cause mental health problems throughout the year.

Employers must therefore give mental health equal support and attention all year round.

Make sure you have the right support in place

First, employers should determine what kind of mental health support is available. Employers should ensure that they have an employee assistance program (EAP) which is often included in other benefits.

Build resilience

Employers must consider more than simply providing solutions. They should also provide employees with the tools to manage their mental health. People need emotional intelligence so they can recognize signs of mental illness. For example, if you are not eating or sleeping well or irritable.

Employers can support self-reflection by offering health and wellness benefits. You can use health risk assessments, occupational questionnaires and apps to track mood, sleep and exercise.

Utilise digital options

Employers should be aware of the new options that are available to them. Virtual GPs, online counselling and other options allow employees to access support without needing to openly ask for assistance. In many situations, anonymity can be very important. It is also worth mentioning that no one should feel stigmatized for needing help.

Building strong foundations

“Mental health is important not only for Blue Monday, or even January. It should be a priority throughout the entire year.”

It is said that mental health underpins the other three pillars of well-being – financial, social and physical health. Employers should ensure this vital aspect of wellbeing and health is in place by 2025 in order to support the overall wellness programme, and encourage positive effects for the business such as lower absence rates, increased productivity, and improved retention of employees.

Mental health is important not only for Blue Monday, or even January, but throughout the entire year.

By putting in place the right support from the beginning, you can help prevent problems from occurring during the year. You will also help your employees become more resilient.

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