Why 2025 will be a defining year for your families’ working lives (webinar).

Leading employers want to ensure that their employee experience is as competitive as possible in 2025. In addition, they are navigating the landscape of budget control. Can family-friendly benefits unlock both engagement and cost saving?

Bright Horizons’ latest research, published in January 2025 reveals compelling and clear trends. Randomly selected UK working parents, and carers report high levels of stress. They also believe that their employers are less concerned about the family than they were immediately following the pandemic. Employees who have family responsibilities are frequently unable to provide for their families and, without any other options, they resort to taking short-notice leave or sick leave.

This is expensive for employers, in terms of talent retention, productivity and career advancement.

The positive findings are that the research reveals the importance of supporting adult dependents, including pets and children as well as providing childcare. The research also provides actionable insights to improve gender representation: women have a harder time progressing in their career while working flexible hours than men, and fathers are affected by childcare breakdowns as frequently as mothers.

This webinar by Personnel Today, in conjunction with Bright Horizons examines in depth the key trends amongst working parents and caregivers and how employers and managers can remove barriers and respond to these employees.

Jennifer Liston Smith, Bright Horizons’ head of thought leadership, will join Rob Moss as editor. A second panelist, who will be announced soon, will also participate.

Register now to:

  • Find out what parents and caregivers need, and how they define a good employer.
  • Understanding how the focus has shifted since the pandemic, and the important choices we will have to make in 2025 for employee wellbeing.
  • Understand the importance of family support in business terms.
  • Use these practical tips to help you retain your best talent, boost their productivity, and ensure their well-being.

This 45- to 60 minute free webinar includes a live audience question and answer session.

Reserve your seat on the webinar now

Our speaker

Jennifer Liston-Smith , head of Bright Horizons’ thought leadership department, is . She founded and led Bright Horizons Work and Family Solutions for over a decade, providing advice to employers about programmes for working parents and caregivers, evaluating the impact and ROI of these programs, and developing coaches and coaching capabilities. Jennifer focuses her efforts on identifying trends and advising employers, and then translating this information into practical solutions.

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