Top 10 lessons learned from leaders post-transition

We learned during our careers how difficult and lonely transitions can be. They have a dramatic impact on health, relationships, and emotional well-being. Retirement is a major transition that seems so far away, until it becomes a reality. In the last two decades, retirement decisions and timing have increasingly been left to the employer, as part of talent management.

Many leaders believe they will have more time to plan what they want to do after they leave their corporate career. Many people struggle to decide what they should do after retirement, even those who have chosen the time of their retirement. Transitions can be a great opportunity to celebrate and take advantage of.

We have worked with hundreds of top executives at organizations such as American Airlines, The Estee’ Lauder Companies and Bank of America. Our mission has always been to guide our clients through career transitions.

We are sharing with you the top 10 lessons that we have learned from our clients as they navigate significant life transitions. We hope this will help other people prepare for their futures and enjoy them!

  1. Be deliberate.

Start discerning while you still have runway in your current position.

  1. Leave well.

The way you end/transition will determine how you start your next season.

  1. It’s your choice
  2. It’s your terms

  3. Manage your emotions in the early days.

Early days can be difficult. Plan and prepare for them. Pause. It’s Important.

  1. Don’t rush to a “what comes next”

You will need some time to de-stress from the intensity and pace of the separation, as well as the feelings that come with it. There will be pressure from many to commit right away to something–anything–and you yourself may feel as though you have an expiration date. You need to take some time to think about what you would like to do next and to let others know that you are available.

  1. Decide what to say yes (and no) to

You have choices. Choose carefully what you “yes” in your first season. For many years, you have not been able to do the things that you want. Do not commit prematurely and then wish you had space to do something more interesting/different.

  1. Be there for others and be there in return.

Change. Business. Life. It’s teamwork. You will miss your relationships the most when you leave. By forming new relationships, you can move on and not cling onto old ones.

  1. Tap into your incredible network

Expand it now to explore new possibilities. Now is the time to expand it for future possibilities.

  1. Prioritize your health and wellbeing.

Our health is the limiter to everything we do. We have endless possibilities with good health. We are limited and challenged on many levels without it. It is important to focus on your health as you transition through this time of change.

  1. Rebranding yourself and defining the new you.

Do not assume that your work/reputation will speak for itself. Make sure your success and goals are clearly articulated. Rebranding is crucial. It is important to establish a new brand identity. We have found that the best way to achieve this is:

  • Do not assume that your reputation speaks for you. Make sure your story and your goals and successes are clearly articulated.
  • Update your professional materials both online and on paper, and make sure you have a strong pitch that shows your value.
  • Talk about what you want to become, not who you used to be.

  1. Include your partner or spouse in the process. Prioritize Family.

Couples are often pulled in many directions when both or one of them have demanding careers. Conference calls and virtual meetings can interrupt or cut short vacations. Missed family events Family dynamics and lives are disrupted by relocations. The spouse/partner has a strong interest in the “what’s to come” and its impact on them.

Remember that there are many seasons to come. The key is grace and acceptance. We can initiate some transitions, but others will happen whether or not we want them to. Thank goodness!

These tips will be included in the highly anticipated Revealing Your Next Season which is due to be released on Amazon October 22, 2024.

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