How to find the best developers? Five proven tactics

It is both an art and a science to hire the right candidate for your organization. Due to the severe competition for talent and restrictions on hiring, experts and recruiters have difficulty determining and attracting those with the best skills. Traditional hiring methods are outdated and can lead to disappointing results. There is always a […]

The Mobility Gap – addressing workplace barriers

CareCo, a UK mobility retailer, aims to increase awareness about the “mobility gaps” where employers might unintentionally overlook obstacles that discourage candidates with mobility impairments. According to Scope for Business nearly half of adults who are working age with disabilities feel excluded from the society because of their disability or condition. It is mandatory to […]

Venetia Ligh: Rising childcare cost: Why employers need to step in the conversation

The financial strains have increased in recent years. According to the children’s charity Coram childcare costs are up 6% in this year. The average cost of a nursery place for an under-two child is now PS15,709. The government has taken steps to combat the rising costs. Recently, the government introduced a childcare initiative that allows […]

AI revolutionises remote hiring by finding the best global talent.

Professionisti HR e manager discutono del crescente problema dell'assenteismo dovuto a un aumento del 41% dei giorni di malattia, con grafici che mostrano i tassi di assenza.

Remote, a leading global payroll and HR platform, has announced Recruit AI. This new generation of AI tools will help companies meet the challenges of the global job market. Matches is the first capability to be released. It allows companies to find global talent that’s perfect for their open positions by using Remote’s pool. More […]

Businesses will boost back-office outsourcing to PS3bn by 2025

Professionisti HR e manager discutono del crescente problema dell'assenteismo dovuto a un aumento del 41% dei giorni di malattia, con grafici che mostrano i tassi di assenza.

According to a survey conducted by Parseq for a managed services provider, more than half of UK organizations plan to increase their level of outsourcing business processes to third parties in the next year. Parseq estimates that this additional activity could generate up to PS3billion in extra income for the UK outsource industry by 2025. […]

In Europe, executive pay plans are increasingly tied to ESG goals

European executive incentives programmes are increasingly linked to environmental social and governance metrics. WTW conducted a global study that revealed companies in the region have set more aggressive targets to align with their business goals. The advisory, broking, and solutions company found that carbon/greenhouse gases (GHG) reduction metrics were still high. Some included scope 3 […]

Mothercare discriminates against employees on maternity leave

The Baby Products business Mothercare used a “sham redundancy” to dismiss an employee on maternity leave. A tribunal found that the retailer unfairly fired Nichola Osborn despite claiming its brand resonates strongly with families around the globe. After a restructuring exercise, the technical manager of the company sued after being replaced by a man. Mothercare, […]

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