How to prioritise employee mental health for sustainable business success

Prioritising mental health of employees is critical to long-term business success.

Mental health support, once viewed as an ‘additional benefit’ and seldom discussed, is now seen as one of the key drivers for productivity, creativity and business performance. To reap these benefits, businesses must make the necessary changes.

Nathan Shearman is the director of training and therapy at Red Umbrella. He warns that mental wellness cannot be overlooked by businesses. It’s an essential part of a sustainable, healthy workplace. Prioritising mental wellbeing isn’t only about supporting your employees, it’s also about driving success for the whole organisation.

Mental wellness was historically de-prioritised by companies in favor of other business critical needs. However, they now realise that the mental health of their employees directly impacts on key outcomes, such as engagement, productivity and retention.

Shearman says: “When employees burn out or are stressed, they lose their creativity and productivity.” They are unable to focus, their decision-making is impaired and they develop mental fog. This has a direct effect on the bottom-line.

Burnout can be caused by prolonged stress. Employees will become extremely fatigued and find it hard to focus on their work. This leads to absenteeism, and often, a difficult time re-engaging with the work after returning.

Shearman says that “we’re seeing that employees are less willing to remain with companies who don’t actively promote mental wellness.” This is not just about retaining existing talent; it’s about attracting new talent. Candidates are searching for employers that value mental health in today’s market.

Employee burnout and stress can also have an impact on recruitment costs. Shearman says that high turnover drains resources. “Recruiting new employees and training them is costly, and this cycle gets worse when staff become disengaged due to lack of support. It is important to invest in mental health initiatives to maintain a skilled, engaged workforce.

Contrary to popular belief, businesses who invest in mental support see a tangible ROI. According to a study by Deloitte, the ROI of mental health interventions is five to eight-times the initial investment.

Shearman says that “the misconception is that mental healthcare services are expensive. The real cost comes from not providing that support.” The return on investment for mental health services is obvious: increased engagement, reduced absenceeeism and a more productive, loyal workforce.

Employee Assistance Programmes are often overlooked as a way to promote mental health in the workplace. Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs) are offered by many businesses, but their uptake is low. On average, only 3-5% of employees use them. It is because the programmes are not tailored to meet the specific needs of an organisation.

Shearman emphasizes that “Mental Health Needs are Different in Each Organisation, so offering the same resources off-the shelf won’t produce any positive changes in an organization.” The only way to move forward is by understanding what the staff needs and tailoring support for them.”

The stigma associated with mental health is another factor that prevents many employees from seeking help, even though one in six people experience mental health issues in a given week.

Shearman says: “The key is to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health. Effective mental health education not only empowers staff to seek out help when they need it, but also creates an open culture that supports mental wellness. This increases the use of EAP services and maximises return on investment.

Mental wellness is a priority for all businesses who want to be competitive in today’s workplace. Shearman concludes that when businesses invest in the mental health of their employees, they invest in their own sustainability. A healthy and engaged workforce is the key to long-term business success. Supporting employee mental health should be your top priority if you want to grow your business in today’s market.

The first time this post appeared was on Human Resources News.

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