Have a great career conversation in the new year

David and I probably spent more time in career discussions than most HR professionals. We have always believed the most important thing for a leader to do is prepare the next generation for greater challenges. Meaningful career conversations are an excellent way to accomplish this.

Nothing is more inspiring than receiving an unexpected message from a co-worker or former employee expressing how their career has progressed since we spoke in the past.

With the start of a new calendar year, employees are encouraged to take a moment to reflect upon their career. In most companies, these conversations also occur at this time.

For managers, mentors, coaches and HR, there are 4 principles and 4 rules to follow in order to make these conversations fruitful.

Principle 1: Encourage continuous dialogue

Career conversations that are one-offs do not count. Break with tradition and stop tying career conversations to appraisals. Performance/reward and career conversations follow different logics and choreographies.

Conversations about careers are not one-off events. The conversation is ongoing.

Principle 2: Prepare, prepare, prepare

Do not stray from this principle, whether you are talking to someone who works for you, someone that you coach or someone in your organization seeking help or guidance.

Spend at least an hour reading the CV to ensure you understand it. Consider what is most striking and what you feel is missing. Put yourself in their shoes. Understand not only what they do professionally, but also the context in which they operate.

Principle 3 – Listen and ask questions

We’ve all seen films where the patient speaks for a long time and the therapist is mostly silent. Career conversations are no different – you need to become the therapist.

Your role is to find out what your counterpart wants, dreams about or is passionate about.

Principle 4 – Build confidence

This is the most difficult and important principle to implement.

The majority of organisations do not tell people their status. They are also not transparent in their reasons for promotions. It’s likely that the person with whom you are having career discussions has seen announcements about promotions where they thought they were a better candidate.

This undermines confidence. This phenomenon is more common among candidates with diverse backgrounds. It is very effective to identify the unique selling points of each individual and develop career scenarios that are based on those strengths.

Rule #1: Create a safe and appealing environment

Most employees are prepared and expect a lot from a career discussion. Many employees will be nervous. It is your job to create an environment that is non-threatening and safe.

Fishbowl offices are not allowed. It is not acceptable to sit behind your desk. Meeting rooms that are too large should be avoided. Also, noisy restaurants or coffee shops should be avoided.

A small meeting or office room with comfortable chairs and refreshments is the ideal setting.

Rule #2: Check in before the session, then have a career conversation a few days later

Before the discussion, have a short check-in. It is important to know what each individual wants, but it also helps to remove any awkwardness or nervousness that may arise during the actual discussion. This also shows that you are taking it seriously.

It can be a phone call or Zoom, or a quick pre-meeting. Usually, 10-15 minutes is sufficient.

You can also ask for a CV update or other information you may be lacking.

Rule 3 : Structure your actual conversation into four parts

  • Reconnect and socialise

  • Let them talk about their career, and what they believe they are doing

  • Explore the possibilities of the future by discussing scenarios and options

  • Agree on next steps and actions

Rule 4: Summarise what you heard within 24 hours of the conversation

You can then agree, or change and improve. You will feel a sense completion before the next conversation.

As the line manager you should agree to a follow-up as soon as possible. This can be in the next few weeks if the person is actively looking for a new job.

Even if this isn’t the case, a check-in is still recommended within the next six months.

Last but not least, give one final piece of advice before closing the conversation. Advice from one of our young entrepreneurs featured in ‘A Career Carol.’

Give someone the permission to criticize you. You need someone who is 100% honest, without any gloss, exaggeration or spin. This person should be independent of your own interests .”

Are you interested in this topic? Read Don’t let your job title dictate your career path

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