Gisele Pelicot: A story that every HR professional and manager should know

Gisele Pelicot was raped and drugged by Dominique Pelicot from 2011 until 2020. He also invited 50 other men to do the same. A French Court convicted Dominique Pelicot, 50 other men and Gisele Pelicot of rape today.

He did not only have one victim. He posted semi-naked and naked photos of his daughters and daughters-in law on the internet. He repeatedly raped another woman and taught other men how to dope their wives.

He is an awful person.

His wife was unaware. His family was unaware. David Pelicot, the oldest son of The Pelicots, told The Guardian that his father was a talented party-thrower. David said.

Click here to continue reading: Gisele Pelicot’s Story is a must-read for every HR professional and manager

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