The problem of sexual harassment can be difficult to solve because people don’t recognize it.
They do not understand which behaviours are harmful and which ones aren’t. This means they normalise the behaviour.
This is dangerous to both employers and employees.
New legal duty of protection
New laws that strengthen the existing rules and provide employees with additional protection came into effect on 26 October.
The Worker Protection Act of the federal government will require all employers to protect their employees from sexual harassment.
Take steps to protect your employees from sexual harassment, both by yourself and third parties.
The Equality and Human Rights Commission will take action if you do not comply with the reasonable steps you should have taken as an employer.
What is the new law and how can I comply?
The Act clearly states the employer’s duty and emphasizes prevention.
It is for this reason that investing in training is important. This demonstrates an active approach to fulfilling your duty and reducing legal risks.
Employers should conduct a risk analysis to determine what additional steps they will need to take to comply with the law.
Risk assessments should include a variety of topics, such as creating an environment where employees feel respected, valued, and safe. The risk assessment should include a reputation management component to avoid costly and damaging claims of sexual harassment. They can damage a company’s image and affect its ability to retain and attract talent.
Gen Z is on the lookout
Financial implications should be included in a risk assessment. Have you taken into account the costs of legal fees, settlements, and lost productivity that harassment claims can cause?
Don’t forget about ethical responsibility. Leaders must foster a culture that is inclusive and respectful, while demonstrating their commitment to the well-being of all employees. Train people to respect, compassion and empathy, and get beneath the rhetoric.
To get to the core of the problem, you must address the elephant in your room: Do your employees understand what behavior is harmful and what isn’t?
How to train your staff to recognize the signs
Most companies overlook this crucial part of sexual harassment training. Your training should cover four key elements to help your staff recognize what they may see in the workplace.
What’s acceptable
You need to define sexual harassment clearly. It is important to go beyond the obvious to include subtler forms of harassment, such as inappropriate jokes, unwanted remarks on appearance or intrusive personal questions.
Recognising grey areas
Leaders must also help their staff identify harmful behaviors that can escalate into harassment. For instance, minor incidents can create an hostile or uncomfortable atmosphere.
Get real
Do not be afraid to use exercises and case studies based on actual situations. They can be very useful in illustrating the different types of harassment and their impact.
Challenge assumptions
A good training program should address common misconceptions such as “it’s only banter” or “they should be capable of taking a joke”. In addition, it’s important to emphasize that the intention of a person does not excuse harmful behavior.
Knowledge is Power
This will empower you to help bystanders. You should be able to follow clear instructions on how to report incidents, intervene safely, and document them.
You will also encourage employees to report. You’ll also encourage reporting.
Encourage ownership
Leaders can empower their employees by investing in such training. This will create a culture in which people are comfortable to report sexual harassment and challenge it.
Staff feel supported. They are able to provide resources and support to those who have reported harassment. It helps both employees who want to change and those who are reporting issues.
Leaders should strive to create a culture of empowerment in the workplace, rather than relying on well-intentioned rescue efforts. This results in a happier and stronger workforce.