Christmas holiday stuffing: the annual leave crisis employers find hard to digest


Are you guilty of Christmas holiday stuffing? The growing trend of employees cramming annual leave into December is causing a logistical nightmare for businesses across the UK. According to new data from staff leave software Timetastic, a staggering 44% of employees plan to take time off in December 2024—an increase of 6% compared to last year. This equates to nearly 2 million additional workers planning festive breaks, leaving employers scrambling to maintain business continuity.

What is Christmas holiday stuffing?

Oliver Higenbottam, Managing Director of staff leave software Timetastic explains: “Christmas holiday stuffing refers to the rush of employees using up their remaining annual leave entitlement before the end of the year. While it’s understandable that workers want to recharge during the festive season, this pattern can have serious implications for businesses.”

Why should employees avoid Christmas holiday stuffing?

Oliver continues: “Taking time off during the festive season might seem tempting, however, you should think twice about contributing to the annual leave rush and try to plan ahead. When too many colleagues book leave at the same time, those who remain are often left dealing with heavier workloads, increased stress, and potential burnout. 

“If you have left booking your leave until the last minute, explore whether you might be able to carry over any outstanding annual leave into the following year or sell any outstanding days. These policies should be outlined by your employer in a handbook or other similar policy documents.

“Last-minute leave requests can create tensions within teams, particularly if some employees feel their requests have been unfairly denied. By spreading leave throughout the year and planning ahead, employees can help maintain a balanced work environment while still enjoying their well-earned break.”

How can businesses avoid a Christmas stuffing crisis?

Proactive planning is the key to managing the annual leave rush effectively. 

  1. Set clear leave policies

Establish guidelines that prioritise critical roles and ensure fairness while maintaining business continuity.

  1. Encourage staggered leave

Motivate employees to spread their time off throughout the year rather than stuffing it into December.

  1. Plan ahead

Use workforce management software to forecast staffing needs and handle leave requests efficiently.

  1. Consider temporary staffing solutions

Hire temporary workers, and freelancers, or cross-train existing staff to fill gaps.

  1. Communicate early

Set deadlines for leave requests well in advance and openly discuss staffing needs with the team.

Oliver advises: “With December 2024 poised to see record numbers of employees on leave, businesses need to act now to avoid being caught off guard. While a well-deserved break is essential for employees, maintaining operations during this peak period is equally critical. By adopting smart strategies and leveraging technology, employers can navigate the festive season smoothly—ensuring everyone, staff, customers, and clients alike, enjoy a stress-free Christmas.”

So, are you ready to tackle Christmas holiday stuffing, or will it be another year of festive chaos? 

The post Christmas holiday stuffing: the annual leave crisis employers find hard to digest first appeared on HR News.

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