Alcohol deaths are on the rise in England, but it’s a ‘catastrophic increase’

A charity warns that alcohol-related deaths in England have risen by 42% in four years.

The Alcohol Health Alliance (AHA), as we approach the festive season, when alcohol consumption is higher than usual, urges Wes Streeting, the health secretary to give alcohol harm an important priority for 2025.

According to the alliance, a death rate increase of this magnitude has never before been witnessed. Members of the alliance sent a letter to Streeting in which they highlighted the devastation alcohol causes to individuals, families and communities. They also discussed the increasing pressure on England’s health care system and economy.

It has stated that in 2023 8,274 deaths will be attributed to alcohol alone. This is a “harrowing number that only represents the tip of iceberg”. The AHA said that the true death toll could be three times as high when alcohol is also taken into account.

Professor Sir Ian Gilmore said, “These new statistics serve as a stark reminder about the devastating effect alcohol has on our society. Not only in terms of lives lost, but also in terms of families and communities that are left in ruins.” Each of the 8,274 fatalities in 2023 represents an untimely death – a loved on whose absence there will never be a replacement.

Alcohol-related harm is not isolated. The effects of alcohol-related harm are felt throughout the family, with children often bearing the brunt. “The alarming rise in alcohol-related deaths should be a wakeup call for the new government. They must act urgently.”

AHA also reported that alcohol is responsible for nearly 950,000 hospitalizations per year, which accounts for 6% of hospitalisations.

Alcohol has a significant impact on mental health as well, as 70% of people in alcohol treatment report mental health issues.

AHA warns that alcohol costs the NHS approximately PS4.91bn per year.

The mortality rate in the north-east is more than double that of London. The report also noted that hospitalisations and death rates are disproportionately high in the poorest communities.

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