Enhancing Your Employer Brand with CBRE

CBRE, the largest commercial real estate company in the world, understands the importance of an employer brand. How can a B2B firm like CBRE attract talent outside of the real estate sector and stand out on a crowded talent marketplace? We interviewed Debbie Celado CBRE’s global head of talent marketing to shed some light on […]

The impact of investing in employee training opportunities

In order for employees to be successful in their jobs, they must undergo some kind of professional development. This could be a simple course on certification or a degree. The majority of companies understand the importance that employee development has in the workplace. But implementing an effective employee development strategy is a priority. The performance […]

Revolutionising Leadership: How Embracing Neurodiversity Will Improve the Future of Work Culture

Professionisti HR e manager discutono del crescente problema dell'assenteismo dovuto a un aumento del 41% dei giorni di malattia, con grafici che mostrano i tassi di assenza.

In today’s fast-evolving business world, everyone’s talking about diversity. And sure, diversity is one aspect that can spark creativity and drive better decision-making, but there’s a key part of this conversation that’s often missed: neurodiversity. Neurodivergent individuals—those with conditions like autism, ADHD, and dyslexia—offer different strengths and skills which can make them well-suited to leadership […]

Top 10 lessons learned from leaders post-transition

We learned during our careers how difficult and lonely transitions can be. They have a dramatic impact on health, relationships, and emotional well-being. Retirement is a major transition that seems so far away, until it becomes a reality. In the last two decades, retirement decisions and timing have increasingly been left to the employer, as […]

Brits Don’t Use PS6.6 Billion in Annual Leave – That’s a Week Off!

Professionisti HR e manager discutono del crescente problema dell'assenteismo dovuto a un aumento del 41% dei giorni di malattia, con grafici che mostrano i tassi di assenza.

Each year, four in ten Brits don’t take a full week of holiday. This amounts to 6.6 billion pounds. According to by employee rewards platform, Offwork, younger workers between the ages of 18 and 24 as well as those who are fully remote, they will sacrifice their annual leave in order to prioritize work over […]

Scam emails target UK businesses over festive period

Research conducted by technology services provider Probrand has found that 43 percent of UK businesses are targeted by scam emails, with incidents increasing significantly during the festive period. The study, which analysed hundreds of small to mid-sized organisations, found that 83 percent of employees have received scam emails from individuals impersonating senior staff members. A […]

APSCo calls for agency workers to be exempted from zero-hour contract reform

The Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo) has raised concerns over the government’s proposed reforms to zero-hour contracts, describing them as ‘unsuitable’ for agency workers. The Employment Rights Bill aims to tackle zero-hour contracts, which are widely criticised as exploitative, by introducing guaranteed hours in certain circumstances, as well as the right to reasonable notice […]

Stalling Automation: Hidden Risks from Postponing Investments in Technology

Professionisti HR e manager discutono del crescente problema dell'assenteismo dovuto a un aumento del 41% dei giorni di malattia, con grafici che mostrano i tassi di assenza.

Jason Spry, Portfolio Leader for Process Automation at Ricoh Europe The workplace of today is always changing. The workplace is constantly evolving. With the rapid introduction of new technology, the changing expectations of multi-generational workers, and the ongoing hybrid work debate, optimising employee experience has become increasingly difficult. Our recent research has revealed that automation […]

Broadstone’s pension forecasts for 2025

Broadstone, a financial services consultancy, has released its predictions for the pensions market in 2025. The firm focuses on possible developments, government reviews and areas that require reform. David Brooks (Head of Policy, Broadstone) shared his insights on future pension adequacy and state pension considerations. He also discussed tax relief, frauds, and death benefit benefits. […]

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