GRiD: Employers are reporting a higher proportion of disabled employees.

According to GRiD’s research 1, there has been a significant rise in employers reporting on the percentage of their employees with disabilities. In 2023, just half of employers (50%) said they collected information about the number of disabled employees in their workforce. This has increased to 71% by 2024.

The increase in the number of disabled workers is impressive. GRiD is happy that employers are becoming more aware of their duty to care for those with disabilities, especially since government statistics show more disabled people are employed.

The Office of National Statistics reports that there are 5.67m disabled people in the workforce (data released on 12 November 2024). This is an increase from the same period of 2023, when 5.32 disabled persons were employed. The previous government’s target to get one million disabled people employed by 2027 seems to have been achieved, but it hides an increase in people with disabilities that are unemployed and the total number disabled people.

GRiD warns organisations and their employees that the collection of disability data is not enough. It must be used to its fullest potential.

GRiD’s research shows that of the businesses that collect data on the number of people with disabilities working in their workplace, GRiD’s findings show:

  • 60% of respondents use this information to inform their diversity and inclusion (D&I), practices and initiatives
  • 57% of respondents say they do this to inform their talent management practices
  • 52% of respondents do this to track their D&I initiatives
  • 46% of respondents say they do this to influence recruitment practices

Katharine Muxham, spokesperson of GRiD said: Employers must respond to individual needs for both current and potential employees.

As it is not compulsory for employees to inform their employers of a disability, the number of people affected by disability may be underestimated. If comprehensive support is in place, everyone can access it, regardless of whether they have a visible disability or not, whether they have a new disability or they have lived with one for many years.

Employee Benefits Support

Group risk benefits, such as income protection, critical illness, and life insurance sponsored by the employer, can help disabled employees in many areas, including their financial, physical and mental health. There is also a lot of help for employers, including legal and HR helplines that can help them better understand the adjustments their employees may need.

Katharine Muxham concluded that: We would suggest that employers begin collecting disability data in order to better inform their practices, support existing staff, and put themselves in the best position to benefit from new legislation.

HR News published the first version of this article GRiD – The number of employers reporting about employees with disabilities has significantly improved.

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