Long Covid: I slowly found solutions to my problems that have made a real difference

Guy Redhead, a supply chain and operations consultant from the UK, is one of millions of people who have been fighting Covid for years. This is an abridged blog post that outlines what he went through, how it helped him, and his current situation.

I caught Covid for the first time, knowingly, in March 2023. It turned into long Covid. I have now, thankfully, turned a corner and am on my way to recovery.

It has been a difficult time, an absolute hell. I was housebound with a variety of symptoms, literally from head to foot. It changed the family’s life in that period.

I had to rely on my wife during this time. She was doing everything, including running a business, driving the children, cooking, and laundry, as well as dealing with any other issues that arose.

The way our children have adapted and dealt with a difficult time has been amazing. I am so proud of them for not only supporting us, but also the positive changes they’ve made.

I have been amazed by the support I receive from my professional network and by my amazing family.

The long Covid and other chronic fatigue diseases are not understood. The physical and mental exhaustion and other excruciating symptoms can make you feel isolated. You may not want to go out with friends, watch television or read a book.

These illnesses are not visible, so the people cannot tell that something is wrong. The majority of medical tests come back normal, so the symptoms are not a direct result.

It has been a very difficult time but we have all learned so much. I can say with honesty that it was a positive experience. When my GP told me: “I am sorry Mr Redhead. This is a bit awkward, isn’t this, because I don’t have anything to offer you and you know more about Covid long than I do”, I immediately knew that I would need to find out the answers on my own.

It allowed me to accept my situation, rather than feeling let down. Over 80% of those with long Covid after three months still suffer after a full year, and about 70% are still suffering at 18 months. I knew that I wouldn’t wake up one day and suddenly be well.

My health became a project. “I decided to focus on getting myself healthy again because it was the most important thing I could possibly do. I did this every day.”

Acceptance was the first step in my recovery. I ran a project of consulting on myself, and I still do; I’m now in the phase of continuous improvement!

What are the symptoms/problems? What are the facts? What are the treatment options? What treatments are effective for my symptoms and how can I put the pieces together to help me get well (my original target was 70% because I thought I could live a normal family life and job)?

I read as many books as I could, I followed rabbit holes in studies, I discounted 99% doom-mongering theories, conspiracy theories and crazy treatments, and I slowly found solutions that helped me and enabled me to do more.

My health became my main project. It was important to me that I get healthy again. I worked on this every day.

I learned through trial and error that a combination of physical therapy, (‘MyoFascial release’), a pacing and support plan from Pamela Rose Fatigue coaching, breathwork, meditation, and supplements (I have no idea which, or if any) helped! Through trial and error, a mixture of physical therapy (‘MyoFascial’ release); pacing plan and support from Pamela Rose Fatigue Coaching; breathwork and meditation; supplements (no idea which, if any, helped!

I’m at about 80% now, or maybe even more, as I am improving each day. It feels great. The 20% will soon arrive!

It’s been a horrible experience, but it has left me feeling incredibly energized. Even though I was very ill, I wanted to see the new version of myself that emerged. I knew there would be positive changes as a result.

After covid, I will be able to thrive with the techniques that helped me calm down my nervous system and boost my immune system.

I consider myself lucky to have recovered so quickly, in Covid terms. Many others continue to suffer for 2, 3, or 4 years.

Don’t Stop Here

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