Scotland still struggles with stigmatisation of serious mental illness – survey

According to a study by the Royal College of Psychiatrists, nearly three quarters of Scots (72%), feel that there is a stigmatisation problem in Scotland when it comes to severe mental illness.

YouGov’s poll of 1,067 respondents found that 73% felt there was still a lack in education or awareness, and the same percentage believed there were misconceptions about severe mental illness.

The survey revealed that less then half (45%) of Scots believed the public’s understanding of severe mental illness is better than five years ago.

The college noted that in 2021, there will be 16,200 Scots with schizophrenia. There will also be 52,697 people living with bipolar disorder, and 20,104 who have an eating disorder. The college will also launch a campaign aimed at educating policymakers in advance of the Holyrood elections 2026.

Dr Jane Morris, the chair of the College in Scotland, stated: “These numbers speak for themselves. We still have a difficulty understanding what severe mental illness is.

She added, “In recent decades, there has been much work done to reduce stigma surrounding mental illnesses such as anxiety, low-level depression and bipolar disorder. But our polling indicates that more work needs to be done to correct myths and lacks of knowledge about severe mental illness, including schizophrenia, severe OCD, and similar conditions.”

A significant audit by auditors found that despite increased expenditure to combat the problem, drug and alcohol-related deaths in Scotland remain among the highest in Europe.

In 2021, a national mission to combat drug deaths will be announced. Last year’s spending increased by more than twice the amount of 2014.

Audit Scotland’s report noted that there was no cost-effectiveness analysis of drug and alcohol treatment.

The report said that the progress in improving services was mixed. It also noted that “the workforce is under immense strain”.

According to the most recent data, Scotland has the highest drug-related death rate in Europe. It is nearly three times as high, at 27,7 per 100,000 people, than Ireland, the second highest.

Professor Susanna Galea-Singer of the Royal College of Psychiatrists’ Addictions Faculty said, “It is Scotland’s shame that drug deaths and alcohol deaths remain the highest in Europe.” Each death due to addiction is a tragedy for the loved ones and family members left behind.

“Alcohol- and drug-related hospital admissions are on the rise and show that this group is looking for treatment. Yet, there has been no robust plan to provide addiction treatment and care to these individuals and their family members while they are in our hospitals.”

Susanna Galea-Singer, Professor at the University of California, added: “It is clear from this report this situation cannot be sustained. We need a bold plan that is consistent.”

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