Only 53% believe that their employees understand the benefits they receive.

Towergate Employee Benefits published a study today that shows only 53% of employers think their employees understand the benefits they offer.

Hybrid working makes it more difficult to communicate health and wellbeing support.

We have more colleagues who work from home, or at least some of them do. 62%

Employers also believe it is difficult to make communications relevant for a diverse workforce:

It is now difficult to make sure that communication is always relevant for employees (e.g. We find it difficult to ensure that communication is always relevant for employees (e.g.

Debra C. Clark, Towergate Employee Benefits’ head of wellbeing, said: “Benefits can be wasted if not communicated. It is evident from our research, that employers require some assistance in this area due to changes in the workplace and employee profiles.”

The research indicates that employers have a harder time communicating health and wellness support, but the data also shows that they are adapting to the changing needs and are adapting the way that they communicate benefits.

As an example, the frequency with which communications is increased:

We are now communicating health and wellness support more frequently: 76%

As the media used has expanded, so too have the

We are now focusing more on digital health communications and platforms, such as apps and digital platforms. 75%

Employers must communicate benefits well to get the most out of their business. Benefits that are well communicated will help with recruitment, retention, and engagement, and also reduce absence levels and increase productivity.

Communication methods

Employers can reach more employees and encourage them to engage by using a variety communication methods. In the last few years, there have been many more options available with the increased focus on digital communication. It can range from simple email and messaging systems, to comprehensive benefit platforms and apps which allow the entire benefits programme to managed in one place. From communicating the availability and tracking of usage to measuring engagement.

Debra says: “There are many ways employers can communicate the full range of support they offer for health and well-being. There are many communication options, especially with the advent of digital platforms. This can help to provide value for money as well as a return on your investment.

The original HR News article Only 53 percent of employers think their employees understand the benefits offered by appeared.

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