Working Families reveals average parental benefits

According to the latest Working Families benchmark statistics on average parental benefits, employers in the UK offer an average 18 weeks of fully-paid maternity leaves.

According to the charity’s analysis, 69 employers benchmarked by it offered on average five weeks of paid paternity and shared parental leave.

The study found that employers who offered a policy of equal parental leave paid out 21 weeks on average.

The charity stated that this year’s benchmark figures represented a “significant” improvement over the statutory rate of PS184.03 a week. The charity also found that the take-up rate among benchmark employers was higher compared to the national average.

Other family-friendly measures, such as management training on flexibility, senior leaders demonstrating flexible working and wellbeing support, supported a higher take-up of parental leaves.

Nearly 96% of employers surveyed in the benchmark study encouraged senior leaders to act as role models in flexible working. Nine out of 10 also provided training for managers to manage flexible teams.

Employers offered extra support to employees who had a surrogate child (86%), those undergoing fertility treatments (90%) or miscarriages and baby losses (97%).

Organizations also track how employees feel about family-friendly options. 91% use staff surveys, 87% interview exits, and 75% employ employee resource groups. Only 22% of organisations used feedback from their unions.

The companies that offer flexible work policies and family-friendly policies report increased productivity, reduced staff turnover and longer operating hours.

More than a quarter of respondents (28%) said that a lack budget was a major barrier. 23% said that line management skills and knowledge were also a problem.

Jane van Zyl, CEO of Working Families, said: “Their action shows the value that they place on their employees who are also parents. They are also leading the charge to tackle gender inequality.”

These employers are aware of the need for a holistic approach to transform the workplace. Each employer is committed to supporting their employees’ overall wellbeing by implementing wellness measures.

In early this year, the government introduced new legislation allowing employees to request flexible work from their first day on the job. Working Families discovered that 86% (of its benchmark employers) already offered this option prior to the legislation coming into effect.

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