PBSHRM Taking control of your HR life

I was given the opportunity to speak at Permian SHRM Conference in Midland, Texas. I am so grateful to the PBSHM team for allowing me to share this speech with you all!

Register for HR Vision 25! Register as soon as possible

This is the place to be if you are looking for a strategy for 2025! Register here to learn more about HR Vision 25

Don’t Stop Here

More To Explore

Professionisti HR e manager discutono del crescente problema dell'assenteismo dovuto a un aumento del 41% dei giorni di malattia, con grafici che mostrano i tassi di assenza.

Building a Safer Workplace To Reduce Risk

With significant UK workplace safety regulation changes on the horizon, HR leaders must make 2025 the year they take decisive action to strengthen compliance and

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