Human Resource Leaders are urged to modernise hiring practices after “Vampire recruitment” drains top talent

A disturbing trend is emerging in recruitment…and it’s driving away top talent. David Rice, Senior Editor at People Managing People and HR expert, calls this practice “Vampire Recruitment” because it drains candidates’ enthusiasm, energy and time.

David explains how Vampire Recruitment manifests itself, including the lengthy application forms, excessive interviews, and misleading “ghost job” descriptions. HR leaders should take action to end this practice.

Ghost Jobs Haunt Candidate Experience

The hiring process today is characterized by “ghost jobs”, which are positions that are advertised, but not intended to be filled. Industry reports claim that companies post these “phantom” roles to give the impression of growth, or to keep their pipelines full. This practice, however, leaves candidates in a limbo. Many wonder if the job was genuine, and feel resentful at having wasted time applying for something that doesn’t exist.

HR leaders should prioritise the transparency of their jobs by eliminating “ghost jobs” to build trust and credibility with potential employees. We cannot expect candidates to give their best if we do not tell them the truth.

Redundant, Exhausting Application Processes Need Overhaul

Many companies still use outdated job application forms, despite the rapid growth of technology over the last few years. Many complex application systems burden candidates with redundant and repetitive questions contained in overly detailed forms. This often leads applicants to abandon the entire process. The same information is often asked of candidates, to help the company collect and collate data. However, job seekers begin to resent this lack of respect.

In the hyper-competitive job market of today, top talent will not be impressed by a lengthy and inefficient application. HR leaders can avoid losing out on top candidates by adopting an efficient recruiting software that minimises inefficiencies both for recruiters and job seekers. They should also update their applicant tracking systems to respect the time and energy of candidates.

Interview Gauntlets with Multiple Rounds Drive Talent Away

Candidates often have to endure multiple-round interviews that require excessive effort and time. Candidates are often required to endure five rounds or more of interviews today, which include unpaid assignments and presentations that demand substantial time investment.

What’s the real kicker here? According to INSEAD’s research, having more interviews does not necessarily lead to better hiring decisions or. However, it can deter candidates who are strong. According to INSEAD research, more interview rounds span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>span style=”color: #0000ff; text-decoration: underline;”>a href=” job interviews really necessary? “style=”color 0000ff; text decoration is underlined,/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span]/span>/span>/span>/span>/span>/span=”text…

Unpaid pre-hire assignments are on the rise

The trend of increasing pre-hire work is alarming. Companies are now asking candidates to do substantial work such as code reviews or project plans without any compensation. This practice undermines trust as candidates fear that their work will be used without compensation or credit.

To avoid this problem, HR teams should limit the number of tasks that are assigned to candidates. They should also ensure that they are clear about how their contributions are going to be used. It’s inevitable that some roles will require candidates to demonstrate a certain skill set. That’s fine. Just make sure any requests are minimally intrusive on the candidate’s schedule.

How HR leaders can combat vampire recruitment

  1. Transparency Enhancement: Communicate with candidates openly at all stages. Set clear expectations about the timelines, number of interviews and required tasks so that candidates can plan their time and consider their options. Even those who do not receive an offer can benefit from frequent updates.
  2. Respect Candidates Time: Streamline application and interview processes so that they are as efficient as possible. For example, AI tools could be used to reduce the amount of manual input required for information on a candidate’s resume. Reduce wait times and eliminate unnecessary requirements to show respect for the candidates’ time.

  3. Create a candidate-centric culture: Encourage a culture that is transparent and empathetic within the hiring team. Focusing on candidate experience training can help recruiters approach processes with greater nuance. This will make everyone feel respected, and strengthen the employer brand among prospective talent.

A Better approach Benefits Companies as well as Candidates

The “Vampire Recruitment” harms both the job seeker and the company looking to attract top talent. Transparent, efficient and respectful hiring practices lead to better hires, increased employee morale, and an improved employer brand.

Modernising recruitment practices is a great way to improve your reputation and gain respect from the best candidates. Let’s stop wasting candidates.

The first time HR News published the article “Vampire recruitment” drains top talent: HR leaders are urged to modernise hiring practices.

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