Entrepreneurs Can Now Carry Their HR team in Their Pocket


What do business owners keep in their pockets? Keys? Phone? Handkerchief? What about their HR team?  Probably not but that’s about to change.  Established HR consultants Cream HR have created a new resource that enables owners of SME’s  (there are 5.51 million in the UK)to have their HR questions answered from their phone with their new product FresHR.

Freshr gives business owners everything they need to give them peace of mind when it comes to HR including information on recruitment, employee relations and employment law.

Anthony Sutton, Director of Cream HR (the creators of FresHR) said: “We know that growing a business can be tricky and budgets can be tight.  In an ideal world every company would have an effective HR team but we are realistic and know that that isn’t always possible, especially when you have a small team and budgets are rigid.  We created Freshr as a resource and ideas portal for business owners and team leaders.”

FresHRis a one stop shop for all things HR, including ideas and tips.  It’s a place for people in business can learn how to grow, get advice on how to handle problems and also find templates and documents to help them run their business smoothly.

Anthony continues “We really hope that SME owners will find FresHR a handy addition to their business, given them access to some of the knowled ge and information that having HR support can provide but at a fraction of the costs.  There will be 10 subject areas  and within each area people will be able to find tips, 8 minute activities, case studies to bring the advice to life, FAQ’s and reading lists to help users expand their knowledge.”

FresHR launched earlier this year and is  priced at £89 per month or £890 for the year

To find out more visit www.freshr.biz

The post Entrepreneurs Can Now Carry Their HR team in Their Pocket first appeared on HR News.

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