Don’t lock out 1 in 4 applicants from your workforce

Businesses that are inclusive and diverse often have a competitive advantage in a changing world of work. Jacob Hill is the Founder of Offploy and he examines in this article what employers should consider when trying to gain access to this highly-valuable workforce.

Over 12,3 million people have criminal convictions in the UK. Being open to recruiting them can be a great benefit to organizations and transform lives.

To achieve the best results, you need to use thoughtful recruitment and advertising practices. We explore the benefits of hiring people who are committed and highlight some key considerations that HR professionals should make during the recruitment process.

Join us for a 45-minute FREE webinar on 19th November at 11am with employers and experts. Webinar: Employing ex-Offenders: Do not exclude 1 in 4 applicants.

Offploy offers a free and confidential advice line for employers.

Hire people with convictions for their benefits

  1. Access 25% of the population in working age

    Many employers are facing a skills shortage. Organisations can gain access to diverse skills, enthusiasm and new perspectives by tapping into a larger talent pool that includes individuals with convictions.
  2. Retain over 70% of your employees in your role

    According to research, people who have convictions are usually highly motivated and dedicated to their employers. They value the opportunity to rebuild their life through meaningful work. This group has higher retention rates, which can lead to lower recruitment and training costs. Timpson’s, who pioneered the recruitment of people with convictions, report a 74% retention rate.
  3. Social Impact – Win customers and communities by proving social impact

    Hiring individuals with convictions shows a commitment towards social responsibility. Businesses can reduce reoffending and make a positive impact on society by providing rehabilitation opportunities. Businesses can also improve their chances of winning government contracts, which now usually require that the company demonstrate its social impact.

How to attract talent in a fair and safe way

In order to maintain a fair and inclusive approach, HR professionals must also be mindful of certain considerations during recruitment and advertising.

  1. Inclusion of Job Advertisement

    The language used in job advertisements should be inclusive and positive. Applicants with convictions are welcome to apply unless they have a legitimate occupational requirement. Individuals with convictions can be encouraged to apply if you highlight that your organization welcomes all applications.
  2. Clarification on Disclosure and Barring Service checks

    Transparency is key. Be clear about the level or DBS check required for each role. Outlining the process in terms of its relevance for the role and managing expectations is key.
  3. Understanding Rehabilitation of Offenders Act, 1974

    HR professionals need to be familiar with the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act of 1974, and know when convictions are deemed’spent.’ This helps you determine what information is relevant during recruitment, and makes sure you don’t ask for or retain information that you do not have the right to.
  4. Customized Risk Assessments

    Assessing the role to determine what checks or restrictions may be needed is the first step. Then, if necessary, assess the risk based on an individual’s circumstances and the role for which they are applying. This approach balances the organisation’s security needs with its commitment to fairness.
  5. A Fair Opportunity

    Allow applicants to share their backgrounds in confidence. Consider the positive impact their experience can have on your workplace. A case-by-case, open-minded assessment will lead to a more inclusive hiring process.

Start your inclusive journey now

Book a free consultation with Offploy’s experts by using this link: Book in to speak to Offploy’s experts by using this free advice link:

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