These CPD activities were developed by Professor Anne Harriss to accompany Elaine Kerr’s article Invest to Save – Making the Business Case for Spending on OH. These CPD activities should help occupational healthcare professionals better understand how to communicate the value of OH with employers, particularly its role in protecting the health, safety and wellbeing of their employees.
Activity 1
This book, written by a physician who specializes in occupational medicine, makes the case that employee health creates business wealth. It also sets the stage for the following activities.
Miller D M (2020). The Healthy Business Bridge. Oxford: AmpersanDesign
Activity 2
Future Learn and University of Bergen are offering free courses to introduce occupational health to international audiences.
The article discusses organisational models of occupational health services. Tjalvin G. and Moen. B. (2019). Organisational models for occupational Health Services. [online]. Future Learn, University of Bergen. Available from:
Activity 3
This two-part article presents the business case of occupational health.
Gilbey A. (2014). The Business Case for Occupational Health.
Part 1 Making the Business Case for OH. Occupational Health at Work, 2014, 11(2):14-16. Available from:
Gilbey, A. (2014). “The Business Case for Occupational health: Part 2 – Long Live the ROI – Making the data work for You”. Occupational Health at Work, 2014; 11(3):22-26. Available from:
Activity 4
This Canadian study uses a method to evaluate the return on investment for the costs of occupational health and safety.
Mustard C A, Yanar B and Yanar D (2023). Estimating the financial benefits from employers’ expenditures on occupational health and safety’. Safety Science. Vol 159 March 2023,
Activity 5
These publications from the Society of Occupational Medicine highlight the importance of occupational health; the second one takes a worldwide perspective.
SOM (2022). The value proposition
Occupational Health: Global Value and Evidence
Activity 6
This article mentions MoHaWK as the national online clinical benchmarking tools for occupational health services.
The link NHS Health at Work below will provide you with more information if you’re unfamiliar with the tool.
Activity 7
Imagine that the general manager of a hotel with 1000 guests has asked you to establish a OH service. Prepare a presentation for 15 minutes on the benefits to both employers and employees of such a service.
This ACAS resource will help you to create your presentation by exploring the use of OH services.
ACAS: Use occupational health at Work
Activity 8
Use the article below as a guide to help you create a service level agreement.
Paton N. (2012). Create service level agreements for occupational Health. [online]. Sutton: DVV Media: Available from:
Activity 9
The article is about equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). These SOM resources highlight the benefits of EDI for both workers and organisations.
Workplaces and work environments that are better for quality
Diversity and inclusion in the workplace: How to support your efforts
Age diversity has many benefits
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