The Generation Game: Q&A

The Generation Game, our recent webinar, examined the creation and the management of a multi-generational workforce.

The webinar, which features a panel consisting of Nick Walrond, Managing director, Sanderson Government & Defence – the webinar’s sponsor – Juliet Crisp, head of People Strategy, Governance and Planning, The Post Office, and Andrea Metherell, head of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Wellbeing, Capgemini, is worth a look or a listening, for its many insights and practical advice. The panelists then addressed two more questions.

Q: Do you see any differences in productivity between the generations, given the different work practices?

Nick Walrond : Productivity is affected by the alignment between the strengths of individuals, the organisational practices and the tools that are available. Businesses can foster an environment in which each generation can maximize their productivity by recognizing and supporting the differences between them.

Be aware of:

  • It is important to note that although the Boomers and Generation X may have a longer time to adapt to new technologies, they are not out of the picture.
  • The real issue is work ethic and flexibility. All generations value flexibility, but for different reasons. To drive productivity, you need to consider each generation’s needs. We are all unique and our life circumstances dictate what is best for us.
  • Focus on the purpose of work. A good purpose will increase productivity.
  • Communication that is clear and consistent, with a focus on collaboration and across generations.
  • I believe it was mentioned in the webinar that skills acquisition is crucial, and for many different reasons. This is true across generations, and a healthy approach to this issue is essential.

Juliet crisp: No, the short answer! Technology is a great tool and younger people adopt it faster, but do not assume that older people will be left behind. Learning from others is one of the many advantages of having a multigenerational workforce. It could be sharing years of experience in a company or a business or the way that Microsoft’s latest tool makes your work easier, efficient and more fun. The way people work may change as they move through different stages and generations. Productivity is less important if we concentrate on the outcome rather than the hours spent.

Q: It can be challenging for a small company to show that they are age-neutral. What are some tips to make this clear despite the fact that we don’t employ many people?

Nick Walrond Establishing a non-biased and age-inclusive workplace culture can have a positive impact on productivity and morale in small businesses. Here are some practical tips for demonstrating a non-biased attitude to age within a smaller team:

  • Change all job descriptions and promotion criteria so that they reflect skills, not experience.
  • Open communication styles: Create an environment in which everyone is heard, regardless of their role, age, gender, or experience (reverse mentoring could be a great help).
  • All people have equal access to continuous learning and development.
  • Written words that are inclusive – Having written policies about inclusion and reviewing all written company items to ensure they are inclusive can be very helpful.
  • Age diversity in decisions – This could be simply diversity in decision-making, create an atmosphere where all are involved in making decisions.
  • Flexibility at all stages: Again, this is tailored to “stages not ages” and offers flexibility around individual needs.
  • All employees should receive diversity training. This will ensure that everyone is aware of the biases in the company and provide a forum for any concerns.
  • Lead by example. The leadership role is crucial in an SME. It needs to be seen as being on the journey and capable of making mistakes.

Juliet crisp: Talk about the skills and experiences that people bring, as distinct things. It is then about how to work better together, what I can bring to the table, what role do I play, and where I can add value, based on my experience and skills.

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