International Stress Awareness Week: bad news for Electricians, Hospitals, and Social Workers

For International Stress Awareness Week 2024, research from creative digital PR agency Bubblegum Search ( ) examines the factors contributing to workplace dissatisfaction and job-related stress.

The study examines more than 2,000 Reddit comments to identify the professions which consistently cause stress, burnout and low job satisfaction.

The Top Stressful Jobs

Not all jobs are happy. The list of least fulfilling and stressful jobs includes Hospital Workers, Social Workers, Electricians, Paramedics, and Hospital Workers. Many professionals attribute this to high physical and emotional demands, long working hours, and stress. The study shows that these roles, while essential, often come with a personal price.

  • Social Workers Despite finding their work rewarding, social workers report that they struggle to maintain their health due to the emotional demands of their role and the limited resources available.
  • Electricians While some electricians find satisfaction in their hands-on work, they face physical strain and long hours that can impact on job satisfaction.
  • Paramedics and hospital workers: Both professions are involved in life-or death situations. This can lead to high stress, emotional challenges and burnout, despite the rewarding nature of helping others.

The Impact on Job Satisfaction of Creativity, Flexibility and Innovation

The study also revealed a key trend: People in creative and flexible roles, such as Freelance Translators, Car Designers and Animators report higher job satisfaction. The study also reveals a crucial trend: people in creative, flexible roles, such as Car Designers, Animators, and Freelance Translators, report higher job satisfaction.

Why this Matters

Bubblegum Search’s findings in light of Stress Awareness Week highlight the importance mental health support and flexibility across all sectors.

A spokesperson for Bubblegum search says, “Our research shows high-stress work often lacks the flexibility and autonomy to make it fulfilling. This leads to burnout.” This awareness is crucial as employers look for ways to improve the work environment.

The Top 10 “Unhappiest Jobs” Based on Job Satisfaction

  • Electrician–PS25,000 – PS40,000, 40+ hours/week. Physically demanding tasks can lead to dissatisfaction despite decent pay.
  • Psychiatric Assistant (Hospital).PS20,000-PS30,000, 37 hours/week. It is a low-stress job, but it can be emotionally draining.
  • Social worker–PS25,000-PS35,000, 40 hour/week. Work that is emotionally draining with high impact responsibilities.
  • Construction Workers (Labourers) —PS20,000-PS30,000, 40+ Hours/week. These are physical demanding and unpredictable work hours.
  • Warehouse manager–PS25,000-PS40,000, 40+ Hours/Week. Physically demanding with the challenges of managing large inventories.
  • Night cleaner–PS18,000 to PS22,000, 37 hours/week. Physically demanding but low-stress tasks.
  • Video Game QA tester–PS20,000 – PS30,000, 40+ Hours/Week. It’s a great environment to work in, but long hours and stress is common.
  • Hospital Security —PS20,000-PS30,000, 40+ Hours/Week. This is an environment that can be dangerous.
  • Surgical Coordinator–PS25,000 – PS35,000, 40 hours/week. Work that is emotionally demanding, involving coordination of patient care.
  • Construction project manager–PS45,000 to PS60,000, 40+ hour/week. High autonomy, but high stress levels and unpredictable hours.

The original version of this article, International Stress Awareness Week – Bad news for Electricians, Hospitals, and Social Workers!, appeared first on Human Resources News.

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