Alcohol problems at work: What to do?

Alcohol abuse can have a negative impact on employee safety, health and performance. Few employers are equipped to deal with it.

Public Health England reports that alcohol abuse contributes to more than 7,000 deaths in England each year, and over 350,000 alcohol-related admissions to hospitals. According to Rehabs UK, 35 percent of Britons have been classified as binge-drinkers. This places the UK in third place among OECD nations for binge drinking.

Lester Morse is the founder and director of Rehabs UK. He believes that normalising drinking makes it harder to recognize and treat alcoholism. The use of common social phrases such as “It’s Wine O’Clock” and media portrayals of alcohol consumption contribute to normalising drinking. This makes it harder for people to recognize when drinking becomes problematic.

Alcohol misuse is a problem that many workplaces are unaware of. According to a CIPD study published in 2020, alcohol abuse negatively affects employee health and performance.

HR’s role in supporting employees

Alcohol addiction is characterized by secretive behavior, an increase in consumption, the discovery of hidden bottles, strange sleeping patterns and memory loss. Alcohol addiction is often hidden by those who are addicted out of shame or fear.

The CIPD report also emphasizes the role workplace culture plays in alcohol consumption. The majority of employers (84%) said that alcohol was available at work-related social events. Nearly half of employers view this positively. However, a quarter note that some employees will avoid social events because they expect to drink alcohol.

HR professionals can play a crucial role in managing alcohol abuse in the workplace. According to the CIPD report, while many organisations have drug and alcohol policies in place, only a small minority informs employees about support services. Notably, 69 per cent of employees who were referred by their employer to rehabilitation support remained at their organization.

The CIPD has outlined the following key steps to HR:

Implementation of Policy: Establishing policies that prioritize employee well-being alongside disciplinary actions.

Manager training: Ensure line managers receive the necessary training to deal with disclosures and direct employees towards assistance.

Promoting awareness: Create an environment in which employees can seek help without feeling stigmatized.

Preventing Abuse: Incorporating substance abuse considerations into wellness programmes as well as regularly monitoring stress levels and work conditions.

Supporting Rehabilitation : Offer time off to receive treatment and continue support after rehabilitation.

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