AI training is essential for students to prepare them for the workplace

According to a new study, training in artificial intelligence (AI), at the university level will be crucial for preparing students for their working lives.

According to a survey conducted by Coursera, one third of students (33%) believe that using AI for studying will help or prepare them for the workplace. But 23% of students would use it more, if they understood the technology better.

Researchers at UK universities surveyed 1,000 students and 500 teachers. They found that AI was not as widely used as many thought. While educators believed 43% of assignments were completed using AI, students said they used it only for a quarter of their work (24%).

AI is mainly used for research (56%), revision of exams (43%) as well as content creation, such essays and assignments (39%).

More than a fifth (21%) don’t even use AI for their university work.

More than half of students surveyed (52%) believe that their grades have improved after using AI. 8% report significant improvements.

Most respondents agree that AI has a positive impact on higher education. 85% of university teachers and 67% students agreed.

The survey respondents cite personalised learning (51%), improved productivity and efficiency (47%), and better support (45%) as the main benefits.

In general, teachers are more optimistic about the impact AI will have on higher education. A fifth (21%) believe it won’t, or isn’t, have a negative affect, while only 3% of students said the same. While 72% of educators think AI has improved higher education quality, less than half of students (44%) agree.

According to findings, 42% universities have included AI literacy in their curriculum.

Coursera also highlighted a challenge systemic in institutions surrounding AI training for educators. Fewer than two-fifths (37%) believe their peers have the skills necessary to use AI in their favor.

Marni Baker Stein is the chief content officer of Coursera. She commented, “This research shows AI has already delivered tangible benefits in higher educational, from improved grades for students to increased productivity among educators.” There is, however, a significant gap between the perceptions of educators and actual student AI use.

She explained that this overestimation of AI could lead to restrictive policies being implemented. Instead, universities should focus on developing comprehensive AI-literacy programmes.

Baker Stein said: “Clear guidelines, proper training and a focus on academic integrity will protect academic integrity while ensuring graduates are equipped with the necessary skills to use AI in their careers.”

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