Why I’m retiring my ‘EvilHR Lady’ brand after 18 years-and what’s next?

Since 2006, I have worked as the “Evil HR Lady”. The brand I used was ” Enhance Your HR.“.

Evil HR Lady had a good brand recognition. It’s still funny to me, and I am glad I chose that name when I first started blogging about HR in the old days of Blogspot. It was time to make a change. Here are five of the reasons why I changed my brand name .
Charlie Lythgoe, C5 Designs: New Logo

The purpose of my message (and the audience) has changed

Both “Evil HR Lady”, and “Improve Your HR”, are about HR. However, my approach to HR changed over time. My goal when I started my blog was to create a column of advice that would help non-HR professionals understand human resources. I wanted to show regular employees, who often view HR as “evil”, an interior perspective.

And I will continue to do so! About 90 percent of my time is spent on two groups.

Click here to continue reading: Why am I retiring my ‘EvilHR Lady’ brand after 18 years-and what’s next

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