Tesco settles sexual harassment case for PS45k

Tesco Northern Ireland settled a sexual misconduct case brought by an ex-personal shopper with PS45,000.

Lara Storey was a part-time “dotcom personal shopper” who supported online orders. She filed a complaint with the managers, claiming that she was subjected sexual harassment and physical touching by a co-worker.

The complaint was upheld but the employee she complained about continued to work in her department or store despite assurances they would be retrained and relocated.

Storey filed a complaint with the Office of the Industrial Tribunal of Northern Ireland. She stated that the decision to retain the employee was a violation of Tesco’s equal opportunity policy and code of conduct. The company also failed to provide a safe and secure work environment.

She claimed that she was ignored, “constantly criticized” and victimised by senior staff for minor work concerns.

Tesco settled with Storey’s case without admitting liability, and compensated her for PS45,000.

The company stated that it will reaffirm their commitment to equal opportunity, and regretted that the claims were made.

It also agreed to work with the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland, which had supported Storey in her case, on a review its policies and practices on harassment.

Geraldine McGahey is the chief commissioner. She said, “Our sex-discrimination laws have been in place for almost 50 years, and they are still needed today just as much as they were when they first came into being.

Everyone has the right to dignity and respect in the workplace. Employers should ensure that, if their employees do not meet that standard, they take action to address it and support or deal with them appropriately.

It is important that managers have the training to effectively use these policies and procedures.

Storey said, “I wish this hadn’t happened.” I was working my way through college. I did not ask for this. It was a challenge I had to make and I am glad I did. “I want to let other women know that they do not have to accept such behaviour or treatment and they can expect to be treated fairly.

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