Supporting employees through baby loss: HR can provide critical support during times of grief

Baby Loss Awareness Week runs from October 9th through 15th. One organisation, Cream HR, is urging HR professionals and business to be proactive in supporting employees who have suffered the loss of a child. Baby loss is a devastating experience for thousands of employees every year. Companies play an important role in providing support.

Baby loss is an area that requires increased care and attention as the discussion surrounding mental health in the workplace grows. Gemma Thayre, HR Consultant at Cream HR, believes that Human Resources departments should implement thoughtful policies and systems to help employees cope with the loss of a baby.

Most people know someone who has experienced baby loss. According to Tommy’s charity, every day, in the UK, there are between 302 and 428 miscarriages. There are also 8 stillbirths and 5 neonatal death. Anthony believes that employers can support employees who are grieving in a number of ways.

  1. Setting up compassionate leave policies:

    Employees who have lost a baby need a flexible, compassionate policy. Organisations should provide employees with the opportunity to grieve, whether it is through extended paid leave, bereavement or unpaid time.
  2. Supporting Emotional and mental health:

    Give employees access to Employee Assistance Programs or counselling services if possible. If possible, HR teams should collaborate with mental healthcare professionals to offer on-site or online therapy options. This will create a safe and non-judgmental environment for employees who are in need of help.
  3. Raising Awareness through Training

    HR should make sure that managers and co-workers are equipped with the necessary knowledge to help grieving employees. Training in sensitive communication, which focuses on reducing stigma and empathizing with employees who have lost a baby, can create a more empathetic culture at work.
  4. Flexible Return to Work Options

    Recognizing that grief is not a linear process, HR departments must offer options for a gradual or phased return to work. This flexibility allows employees the ability to balance their emotional recovery with their professional obligations.
  5. Fostering Peer Support Networks:

    It can be a valuable resource to establish peer groups or support network within the company where employees who have lost a baby can connect. HR can facilitate initiatives that foster a sense community and mutual understanding.
  6. Inclusion Policies for All

    HR must recognize that the loss of a baby affects all parents – partners, adoptive parents and surrogates. Inclusionary policies that take into account all forms of parenting ensure that employees who experience a loss are supported.

Why supporting baby loss is important for organizations

Supporting employees who have lost a baby is not just a kind act, but also a good business decision. Employees who feel their employer cares about them will be more loyal, increase retention and improve morale. Companies can improve productivity by addressing the emotional needs and concerns of their employees.

“We’re committed to helping business create a workplace that makes every employee feel valued, especially in times of personal hardship,” says Gemma. “By making sure the right policies, resources, and training are in place, we hope to help people support their employees during their most difficult times and give them the care and attention they deserve.”

Cream HR encourages HR professionals, to review and improve their policies regarding baby loss. This will ensure that they are meeting the needs of grieving workers.

Contact Cream HR for more information on how you can help your employees who have lost a baby.

The first time this post appeared was on HR News.

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