Paralympic values can be used to boost business and team success

Laura Maffucci is the Head of Human Resources at G.P.

The Paralympic Games are a testament to the human spirit, perseverance and strength. They also highlight the importance of inclusivity. The Paralympic Games celebrate athletic achievements while highlighting the need to break down barriers and embrace global diversity.

Businesses can learn valuable lessons from the Paralympics, which brought together athletes from all over the world in Paris in early this year. These include how to foster inclusion, leverage global talent and improve performance.

How can these principles inspire companies to achieve greater success?

AI-based technologies to optimize global employment processes

The elite-level of athletics is a great example of how AI can be used. It integrates advanced training tools with real-time analysis of performance. Businesses can use similar strategies to increase their operational efficiency by integrating new technology. AI, for example, is widely used in HR to help companies recruit talent and manage the employee lifecycle. According to G-P’s ‘AI at Work’ report, two-thirds (67%) of business leaders believe that AI is essential for operating in global markets and remaining competitive.

AI has the ability to revolutionise the global employment market by simplifying the hiring processes and ensuring compliance across countries. G-P’s “World at Work” report shows that 49% of executives think AI can predict challenges in new markets. This highlights its potential to transform global recruitment strategies. G-P is the global leader in employment and employer-of-record (EOR) and recently launched AI-powered global onboarding. This will help businesses manage offer processes, execute employment agreements and facilitate onboarding, benefits setup and facilitation.

AI can support teams in the management and development of employees throughout their lifecycle, including the hiring process. It can handle everything from updating benefits and managing employment changes to facilitating asynchronous working across time zones. AI can also help to personalise the learning experience and create tailored plans of development that are aligned with both individual and organisational objectives.

Building high-performing and robust teams

The Paralympic Games are a powerful lesson on the importance of diversity and inclusion. Athletes compete from all over the world, bringing with them their own unique experiences, strengths and perspectives.

When building and managing global teams, global businesses should take inspiration from the Paralympic Games. Diversity of thought and skill sets from all over the world can foster creativity, innovation, and resilience.

Diversity alone is not sufficient. Communication is what holds teams together, especially since it is crucial to ensuring that diverse perspectives are fully embraced within a team and that all members feel valued. 66 % of HR executives recognize the need to improve global team management. Improving communication between diverse teams is therefore essential. G-P’s Global Growth Report revealed that almost half of employees (49%) are concerned about cultural and language barriers when they consider working for a multinational company. In our global economy, it is vital to address these concerns and create an inclusive environment where employees can thrive and their diverse voices are valued.

Businesses must encourage an open dialogue and open communication in order to foster collaboration. Paralympic athletes, coaches, and businesses alike rely on communication to build trust, adjust strategies, and to improve their performance. Cross-cultural communication and a diverse range of communication styles are not optional “nice-to-haves” but rather strategic assets. They can increase productivity and create an inclusive environment where everyone can participate and contribute.

The World at Work Report found that 97% executives agreed that having a presence in several countries was essential to remaining competitive. In addition, 70% of executives say they are willing to look outside their country to find talent, reflecting the shift to a more global workforce. In our globalized economy, it is vital to address these concerns and create an inclusive work environment where employees can thrive and different perspectives are valued.

HR Leaders can learn a lot from the Paralympics

The Paralympic Games provide HR leaders with invaluable lessons in adaptability and resilience. They also teach them about leadership, teamwork, and how to build a strong, united team. G-P’s Global Growth Report reveals that 41% executives believe adaptability is crucial to navigating uncertainty in business. Comparatively, 49% believe that compassionate leadership is crucial to foster trust and job satisfaction.

Athletes show us how important it is to be consistent and work hard in order to achieve a common goal. Businesses can take a lesson from athletes by fostering resilient teams, uniting their employees around their mission and their vision. This will help them maintain motivation and focus, especially in challenging times.

HR leaders should also place a high priority on developing leaders that can lead their teams with empathy and clarity through times of stress. Businesses must develop a strong culture, just as a common mission brings sports teams together. It is especially important for a global workforce where 51% of workers stress the importance of intercultural communication. HR leaders who embrace these principles can create resilient teams that excel in competitive environments.

Businesses should take inspiration from the inclusiveness, resilience and innovation of the athletes as the world prepares for the next Paralympic Games. Companies can build resilient teams by embracing AI tools and cultivating a culture of inclusion. This will help them thrive in the global market today and achieve long-term success.

The original version of this article, Harnessing Paralympic Values to Drive Business Success and Strengthen Teams, appeared first on HR News.

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