New powerful programme to help menopausal woman return to work

The menopause returner program is a powerful tool to help women who wish to return to the workforce while also addressing specific challenges that are common during menopause.

Revive and Thrive was developed in partnership between Henpicked Menopause at Workplace, a well-respected industry organisation, and The People Portfolio – experts in returner programs. Revive & Thrive, in partnership with Menopause Friendly accredited employers, will reassure returning workers that their new employer has a commitment to support their return to work.

Eight out of ten menopausal females are still working in the UK. According to the Fawcett Society Report one out of four women is considering leaving their jobs due to menopause and one out of ten actually leaves. This means that valuable skills, experience and insight will be lost in the workplace.

Ironically, menopause may bring about a variety of changes in physical, mental and emotional health that can make returning to work difficult. This leads to a vicious cycle, which can lead to a lack of resources in the workforce today and financial and social hardships for many.

Revive & Thrive helps employers increase their workplace diversity, tap into the talent pool and ensure women returning to work are fully prepared and up-skilled to make a smooth transition back to work.

Impact on personal and financial health

Deborah Garlick is the CEO and founder at Henpicked Menopause in The Workplace. Their symptoms can exacerbate a feeling of isolation, and many lose their senses of self. Many people are struggling to pay their bills without drawing on their pension, which is itself not going to reach its full potential because they stopped working early.

“I am calling on employers who are menopause-friendly to stop future losses of talented staff and to work to welcome women back after a career break. She believes it is a strong proposition, and with Revive & Thrive’s support, she can make it happen.

OVO piloting programme

OVO, a Menopause Friendly accredited employer eager to recruit women returning from maternity leave, is currently running the Revive & Thrive pilot. OVO has completed training with People Portfolio and is ready to welcome 10 women in the Glasgow area. The aim is to integrate them into the workplace, upskill them and help them become more employable.

Kirsteen Summerville, Menopause Leader at OVO, says: “We know that about half of our employees will go through menopause in their lifetime. We want to make sure they are supported.” This is why we’re excited to be a member of the Revive & Thrive program that prepares women to step back into work and get back into their stride.

Morna Ronni, the founder of The People Portfolio, says: “Menopausal Women have the experience, and potential, to drive productivity and innovation within an organization, provided they are given the support and encouragement they need to thrive.”

The Revive & Thrive program is aware of the realities of menopause at work and I am looking forward to the OVO pilot’s progress. We will use their feedback to improve any areas where we can.

Deborah concluded, “Revive & Thrive is a very exciting prospect.” It’s amazing to think that in the next few weeks, 120+ Menopause Friendly accredited organisations will be opening their door to returners. This could be a real game changer.

Learn more

The People Portfolio to find out more.

The original version of the post New programme to help menopausal workers return to work appeared first on HR News.

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