Hybrid work means more ‘active commuting’

According to an International Workplace Group survey, hybrid working has resulted in a boom of ‘active commuters’.

The research showed that commutes from local workplaces are more likely to take place on foot or by bike, compared to those to the city centre.

Active commuting increased by 109% among the 55-64-year-olds, the highest of all age groups.

Recent data from Scotland revealed that cycling to work increases life expectancy, and is more likely to prevent major illnesses such as cancer or heart disease.

Walking was cited as the most popular form of local commute by 88% employees. Over a third (34%) of employees cycled to work and 28% ran.

The average distance walked by workers was 320 km, while the average distance run was 366 km and the average distance travelled by bicycle 418 kilometers.

Some employees use novel modes of transportation, including scooters (7%), skateboards (6%) and rollerblades (4%)

Two thirds of the 55-64-year-old workers said that they are more likely to walk to work or cycle if it is local. 79% also reported an improvement in their physical health.

Walking was the most popular exercise for workers in this age range, and they walked an extra 259 km a year.

Eighty-five per cent of workers reported that they were happier in their job due to an improved work-life balance. Seventy-five per cent of employees reported higher levels motivation.

More than four fifths (82%) said that physical activity improved their mental well-being, while three-fifths claimed it increased their productivity at work.

59% of employees want to have access to workspaces near their homes, despite the fact that some employers now mandate a full-time return to work.

The company reported that foot traffic in some of IWG’s locations in rural, suburb and commuter areas has increased by more than 1,000%.

Mark Dixon, CEO at IWG stated that the trend of active commuters showed that hybrid work was a win-win for all.

“Business leaders see substantial productivity and financial gains while employees enjoy better work/life satisfaction and a better balance.

Companies are realizing that allowing people to work flexible hours will lead to a healthier and happier workforce. They also feel more productive.

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