Did you miss HR Appreciation Day? Have you got dead-butts syndrome?

Returning to work can lead to an epidemic of “dead butts syndrome”. To counter the effects of this condition, you can celebrate HR Appreciation day.

It is our sincere hope that all of our readers felt appreciated yesterday on HR Professional Day or HR Appreciation Day. Unfortunately, there were no fireworks or Red Arrows flying over ( don’t add them, Ed), nor was there a regatta on the River, nor any dance extravaganzas.

We regret that we did not mention this important date at Personnel Today. There were simply too many stories on the agenda.

HR is not a fan of the spotlight, nor does it seek constant praise and admiration. In Oscar terms, HR is like the cinematography award – it’s important but the winners keep their speeches short and no one knows them. HR knows its importance, but likes to remain in the background.

Tanya Channing is the chief people and culture office at Pipedrive. She said, “In my opinion, human resource professionals have a larger role than we often give them credit for. They contribute to the daily operations as well as the strategic direction of an organization.”

The celebration was indeed wild.

But wait…

We believe that if you don’t get up to celebrate these rare events, it could worsen a condition called “dead-butt syndrome”. BodyBilt Chair Company, which claims it has the cure for this horrifying ailment is clearly gifted at naming things. Dead butt syndrome, or “gluteamnesia”, can be called by BodyBilt.

This made the Personnel Today staff twitchy. You could say there was an uprising. BodyBilt says that the only way to cure this horrible disease is to and not stand up. Skydex is a material that allows you to sit in a chair with better support and a more comfortable seat. This mysterious substance is made up of “engineered geometry that absorbs different amounts of energy depending on the case use. It brings 43% more pressure reduction for seated use and 51% better distribution of weight.”

This will cure glute amnesia. It’s the same as celebrating HR Professional Appreciation Day or whatever you call it by waving your arms in the air and acting like you don’t give a damn. You do care, because it is HR.

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