AI training for HR professionals is a must

HR professionals are being urged to begin building their knowledge of artificial intelligence (AI) immediately – otherwise, they risk falling behind.

According to various studies, HR professionals are increasingly experimenting and using AI in order to reduce the administrative burden of processes such as screening CVs.

Tracy Jones, Performance manager at Realise, a leading provider of training, has warned that those who refuse to engage with AI will put their future prospects in danger.

Tracy stated: “Artificial Intelligence is already having an enormous impact on the HR Industry – and this is sure to grow rapidly.

It is being used to streamline monotonous tasks in recruitment and employee management. It can also be used to gain strategic insight and create policies and procedures.

“A lot people in HR are beginning to harness the power AI, but there’s still some reluctance. There is also a misconception that technology will take away everyone’s jobs.

I’d encourage people to take this seriously and make sure they are prepared for the modern job market.

In a recent study, a software developer discovered that 81% of HR leaders were exploring or using AI to improve the efficiency of their organisation. A different study conducted in USA revealed that 76% of high-fliers in the sector believe that businesses who do not adopt AI within the next year to two will be less successful.

AI has been added to the Realise People Professional Level 5 Apprenticeship.

The programme examines the potential of AI in HR as well as possible ethical and legal concerns.

In some high-profile cases, the opposite was true. Amazon, for example, scrapped the use of AI to review job applications when it discovered that the system showed bias against women. This resulted in a smaller, more diverse workforce.

The learners are encouraged to critically evaluate the scope of AI, and consider the actual returns to the business.

Tracy said: “The People Professional program encourages learners to examine issues and problems in the business and come up with solutions. Can AI be an alternative?

“AI is a powerful tool, but it must be used correctly to help the business and the employees. It should not just be implemented for its own sake.

“For instance, could AI be utilized to streamline holiday requests, discipline and appraisals?” How can an organisation use this new technology to reduce risk, save money and meet legal requirements?

It’s about using AI in order to free time to do tasks better suited to creativity and flair.

We use HR trainers with hands-on AI experience to look at all these positives but also point out where caution is needed around privacy, ethics and legality.

Realise’s People Professional Level 5 Apprenticeship covers a range of topics including business knowledge, commercial drive and evidence-based practices.

And Realise uses AI to make its own lessons and programmes come to life. For example, knowledge videos that are tailored to each individual’s working environment or personalised e books.

Tracy added: “We use AI and other virtual technologies to enhance the learning experience through increased freedom and flexibility.” We can instantly create personalised and tailored resources to make the program more engaging and relevant.

For more information on courses, visit

HR professionals urged to improve AI knowledge originally appeared on HR news.

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