Interviews based on a single key answer

Last year, more than 59 millions job applications were made in the UK. This shows that the competition on the job market is at an all-time high.

Few Brits are invited to interview with prospective employers. Less than 20% of candidates are. You don’t want to waste this opportunity by making a mistake that could blacklist the best candidates.

According to interviewing and psychometric testing specialists, there is a question that is asked in the majority of interviews. Hiring managers are hoping this won’t derail a candidate interview.

Dr George Sik of eras, an interview and psychometric test company that helps companies design their hiring process, says the most important question for hiring managers and, therefore, prospective candidates, is “Why do you want to leave your current position?”

Many hiring managers use the question to determine whether a candidate will fit in with the team or cause problems for the new manager. Candidates dread this question for fear they will say something wrong, but hiring manager can use it to identify a memorable candidate. “If a hiring manager does it, then interviewees can too”.

This question is a good way to highlight the positive aspects of a candidate’s current role and their potential in that role.

If a candidate does this, it is a red flag to a hiring manager. It could also change the dynamics of an interview, as the new company will have to sell the position, instead of focusing on the reasons why the candidate left, or interviewing the candidate to check the facts in other sections of their CV.

You should reframe your response to emphasize what you like about the new job.

How to answer the question

  • Think about the elements of your new role that appeal to you. Then, explain why it would be better than your current job.

  • Focus on the present, not the past.

  • Verifiable Facts are more important than facts

The first time this post Interviews based on one key question appeared was on Human Resources News.

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