The winners of the 2024 Culture Pioneer Awards have been announced

We are excited to announce our Culture Pioneers 2024 following the announcement of yesterday’s Culture Pioneers Leadership Forum!

The Culture Pioneer Awards powered by HRZone honours organisations and leaders who are dedicated to cultural advancement at work. Below are the winners of our categories – Wellbeing, Inclusion Learning, Brand, and Leadership. All our awardees deserve a huge round of applause for their transformative efforts. They demonstrated resilience, openness and true impact.

Here are the 2024 winners!

Wellbeing Award

Winner: Pharmacist Support

“Pharmacist support demonstrated a holistic and personalised approach to well-being, with a human touch.” The initiative began by listening first to employees and assessing their requirements, then senior leaders modeled the right behaviours in order to create a supportive environment. Evelina dzimanaviciute is Culture Pioneers Judge, CEO of Elite Mind Academy

Lawline is highly commended

Lawline demonstrated a clear commitment to wellbeing. The company has adopted a wide range of initiatives that support and develop its employees. It also shows a high level of commitment to leadership development and engagement with employee wellbeing. Dr JoBurrell is judging the Culture Pioneers and co-founder of Ultimate Resilience


  • Correla Ltd
  • Ingeus UK
  • Travel + Leisure

Inclusion Award

This is a groundbreaking project in the gas industry. Claire Valentine and Cadent Gas have been true pioneers. They filled a gap in the gas industry by addressing a sensitive issue with a personal touch. The impact of creating a space where people can share their stories and traumas is significant. Diane Lightfoot CEO of Business Disability Forum and Culture Pioneers judge


“Ingeus does great work here. It is not easy to include an extra employee population that includes ex-offenders. They have been able to harness the positive, assist other organisations, and use it in order to grow their business.” Jenny Garrett, Culture pioneers judge, award-winning coach, leadership trainer and speaker, and author of Equality vs Equity


  • Victoria and Albert Museum
  • Travel + Leisure

Learning Award

Winner: Progeny

“Progeny is a brilliant example on how L&D can go beyond “pushing” training. The organisation showed creativity and resourcefulness while considering the business needs of each employee and their learning journey from beginning to end. The team also wanted to test, refine and pilot its approach to continuously evolve.

Highly commended: Nine Feet tall

Nine Feet Tall showed a passion for their learning culture. The company’s investment in individual learning and focus on it has had a positive impact both within the organization and with the community. Jackie Clifford Director of Clarity Learning and Development, Culture Pioneers Judge.


  • LV= (Liverpool Victoria Financial Services).
  • Travel + Leisure
  • United Trust Bank
  • Wales Air Ambulance

Brand Award

Winner: Wurzak Hotel Group

The Wurzak Hotel Group went above and beyond to make their culture come alive. They did this in a creative, in-depth way. Their brilliant results demonstrated the impact and extent of their work.” Debra Cory Culture Pioneers Judge Founder & ChiefPay it Forward Officer DebCo HR

The People Experience Hub is highly commended

The People Experience Hub is a shining example of a company that understands the importance of listening to their people and acting on what they learn. The leadership team is clearly committed to their employees and demonstrates this by putting into practice what they teach clients. It’s the kind of place I would love working at!” Deborah Hartung Culture Pioneers Judge and Culture Consultant


  • Jones & Palmer
  • Mayden
  • Planer
  • Siderise

Leadership Award

Winner: Yasmine Alani, Media Zoo

Yasmine was honest about her challenges and the amount of learning she needed to do to be successful in a difficult environment. She was brave and patient and she brought people along on her journey, literally changing minds. Blaire Paler is a Culture Pioneers judge and CEO of That People Thing. She’s also the author of Punks in Suits.

Cheryl Allen at Atos is highly commended

“Cheryl Allen is a pioneer of change in an environment that has been very difficult and disturbed. Allen’s collaborative spirit and success are reflected in her efforts to help others adopt an experimental and cocreation approach. “Being held up as an example for others to emulate is a testament of the positive impact your leadership has had.” Thom Dennis CEO of Serenity in Leadership and Culture Pioneers judge.


  • Anu Mandapati Magic Leap
  • Rosie Hewat, Kuda Technologies

Pioneers in culture change

Once again, congratulations to the winners of our Culture Pioneer Award for 2024!

The 2025 Culture Pioneer Awards entries will be open in early 2019. Subscribe to our Culture Pioneers program for the latest news and updates.

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